The 2023 NFL season is officially over and though there is still the matter of dishing out the proper comp picks, we mostly know the order of the upcoming draft. What picks do the Seattle Seahawks have? What are the odds that Seattle moves up or down in the first round? What picks have they made in recent years, what positions are they less likely to fill before the 2023 draft, and what needs could they have in one or two years?
This is a comprehensive rundown answering those questions and is a bonus article for Regular Joes subscribers. Join Seaside Joe’s bonus content section for only $5 per month or $55 per year, with upcoming features and bonuses for founding members at the $120 per year level too. Free subscribers also get a daily Seahawks newsletter which has run for almost four years in a row without missing a day.
There isn’t a single human being on this planet who has written more articles about the Seattle Seahawks during the Pete Carroll era. Not a blogger, not a journalist, and certainly not a newsletter, so sign up today to read about the 2023 NFL Draft, get an extraordinary amount of content ahead, and to support the most consistent, experienced, and reliable Seahawks website on the internet.
With our fourth season together now in the books, let’s get back to our fifth NFL draft at Seaside Joe since the last day without a newsletter going out.