I can definitely see where Bobby Wagner(https://sport-poster.com/Bobby-Wagner) is coming from. Ten years is a long time to dedicate yourself to a team, and finding out about your release through leaks is a crappy way to go. However, the Seahawks do have a tough cap situation.

Maybe there were conversations happening behind the scenes that Wagner wasn't aware of. It would be interesting to get the full story. Regardless, Bobby is a future Hall of Famer and deserves a big send-off wherever he lands next.

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Quick, someone grab me the world's tiniest violin. These guys are so spoiled! They earn tons of money to play a game. They become rich and famous. They can deliver and take huge hits from huge, fast men on the football field but in the off season they turn into wilting daisies. It's ridiculous. These guys should be thanking their lucky stars they had super successful careers when one injury or other unlucky event could have resulted in having to earn an ordinary living like everyone else.

Alright, so Pete and John didn't call you up before you got cut. Maybe you take it hard. But to come out publicly complaining about the organization shows a lack of class in my view. Same for Sherman, KJ and Thomas. Good grief! Suck it up guys. Pull up your big boy pants.

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I think Bbobby's complaint is valid. The reason the team was unable to tell him someone in management leaked the story 3 days prior to him being cut. I imagine he is disappointed he is not coming back, the dis is how he heard. I don't know but I think if Pete or John, or even Jodi Allen had phone to apologize for the leak we wouldn't have seen this tweet. As for Russell who I like every bit as much as Bobby; the negotiations with Denver may have taken as much as two weeks. I am quite confident that Russ knew as soon as Seattle was getting close to a deal. In conclusion apologizing for something that may have been out of your control, is not a sign of weakness as much as it is a greatly deserved sign of respect. Victoria Chris

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I think I may disagree with you on this point.

Just to be clear, are you saying that Bobby's tweet was disingenuous? Or just naive?

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No, to clarify, this is nothing against Bobby Wagner or his tweet. Simply laying out the situation from either side's point of view and letting the reader draw their own conclusions. I hope!

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It is very hard to believe, just as you stated Kenneth, that there were not discussions between Bobby and the seahawks regarding a restructured contract. Even up here in Calgary I knew Bobby was set to make $20M this year and that the seahawks could save $16.1M by releasing him. If Bobby had of agreed to say $12M for 2 years, maybe they do not release him. Pride is a strange animal. I would suggest that a number that the seahawks suggested to Bobby was viewed by Bobby as dissing him. Thus his tweet response. I LOVE Bobby and was concerned that this marriage would end this way. No one benefits and we must always remember there are usually 3 sides to every story.

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The Seahawks need a “Personal Trainer” for the Brass on “Personnel Etiquette” as they come across very “COLD” in those interactions moving on from a player! Because it’s Not just about the player , but fans attached. This has to come from very “Top”, Seahawks need a Better ❤️ For players and fans alike that deserve it.

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Bobby didn't say he was hurt at being let go, I'm sure it wasn't a total surprise. He did say that he was upset about the fact that he did not hear it from the Seahwaks first. I don't think I would like to hear that I've been let go by anyone other than my employer. Especially as he has given it HIS ALL the last 10 years

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I believe that the truth lies somewhere between "Seahawks did nothing to inform Bobby Wagner he was being released" and "Pete Carroll directly called Bobby and talked to him for 30 minutes about the decision." Somewhere in between there. But I'm only speculating.

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It seems, from an outsiders perspective, players love playing for Seattle. The staff, the culture. Players want to COME to Seattle. Then all the sudden, they talk negatively about them once cut or released... I just can't help but wonder if a little bit of ego is getting in the way. Trying to save face. You know? But, we will probably never know. What you believe is probably going to come down to how much you trust the organization or players.

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It's amazing, the Broncos traded Von Miller at the end of his deal, let him try to go win a Super Bowl with the Rams, and Miller regularly states that the Broncos will always be his team no matter how many games he wins for someone else. It's regrettable that the Seahawks don't have that relationship with their star players as often.

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Maybe PCJS feel they have to "stick to the business side" when a player leaves, no matter how it goes down. I'm also guessing that, unless a player is retiring, they don't feel comfortable praising or showing favor to any players.

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This could be it, Roger.

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The players saying this are implying that the loyal support they get from Carroll while they are part of the franchise is nothing but a farce. We all get that it's a business, but we can't lose site of the fact these men put so much at risk while they play for the team, the fans, the city, and the owners. We don't know if they tried to find a trade for Wagner, and all we can do is hope he doesn't find himself waiting until the season starts to find a new team like KJ did. On the other hand, Marshawn Lynch left under less than desirable terms but he didn't hesitate to return when the teem needed him. Wagner is in the first moments of coming to terms with the release and the fans all wish him well. I would bet Beacon won't be Freakin' and he still has that gig for awhile.

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Its all about business, which is shrewd. I'd like to think that both Pete and John felt deep down inside a sorrow having to cut great players lose like Bobby and Russ. I would also like to think they will always have a fond memory of them, because they have great characters that have rub off on the new players coming to the franchise. They both showed how to act on-off the field. I've always felt that Pete-John look to find players who have that 'Boy Scout' personality to add to their team. Anyways, Pete and John probably figured that it is emotionally easier not to stand face-to-face with players and tell them "Sorry you are no longer part of this team"

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