It's gotten to the point where I'm offended by QB and now WR salaries but I'm even more offended by billionaires in general. They simply shouldn't exist. I'm an architecture buff and I used to enjoy seeing the stunning luxury of wealthy homes. Now, in the face of our enormous wealth gap those same indulgences seem grotesque. When Russell Wilson arrived in Seattle I was enthralled by his humility and willingness to work but now as the money rolls he's just another celebrity, full of himself and his financial success. He's more concerned about his brand than he is the fans, football, or the community. He has lost his authenticity. As much as he's changed, I've changed. I find it harder and harder to enjoy watching these guys. Even the minimum salary is 14 times the average income in the USA. I'll always remember Gary Payton grumbling about having to live on a million dollars a year and Latrell Sprewell proclaiming, "I've got a family to feed," in declining a 3 year, $21 million contract". It's about getting rich, not being accomplished. What if we doubled the salaries of teachers, nurses, cops, and the guy who cleans the bathroom at the airport and said the most you can make is $999 million? Yes, I know it's naive but a guy can dream, right?
The big dollar contracts for me is like somebody talking with fake money. So and so signed for 70 million a year; bah, blah, blah. That was until RW left town and his house listed for$34 million. Good for him, but, what about the other 54 guys on the team?
I know entertainers and movie stars can make a lot more per year but in a team environment where you’re only as good as the last guy on the depth chart allowing some to make “tons” more money than others is going to cause problems in the not to distant future.
One idea to help the situation would have to start with the players by posing some guidelines for compensation value maybe by position, years in league, production etc. I don’t think the owners would even be able to start a discussion about something like this.
A salary/ contract deal was set up for the rookie draft players that really smoothed out the contract issues they used to have.
Maybe if the league was allowing $210 million in payroll the players could set a minimum salary at $3 -4 million the higher salaries would not be 50 times higher than the lowest paid players.
Perception of greed is not going to be good for the sport in the long run. When my teams QB is not playing because somebody else’s is making 5 million a week and my QB is only making 4.999 million, I’m not going to be very happy or sympathetic.
I agree, there is a terrible disparity between the handful that command $35m+ a year, the hundreds that earn $2m plus and everyone else who is expected to ruin their long-time health for vet minimum for our entertainment, even if ‘vet minimum ‘ is a damn sight more than anyone can earn on here.
Trading Russ? Good, if only to put the skids under the vulgarity that is QBs “just getting what is owed to them”. The panning PCJS for getting rid of an economic albatross is ridiculous, as if every cheap beat writer is in the pay of the owners and the NFL establishment. He just isn’t worth it. And if the answer to pandering to the bubble of paying prima donna QBs is to protect them to the point that the DLineman are playing flag football, then it literally is ‘game over’.
The solution is easy - as mentioned elsewhere, one player cannot earn more than 15% of the total salary cap. And forbid them from advertising junk food to boot, the ghastly money-grabbing hypocrites.
It is sad that it seems that teams being owned by one private individual of some odious corporate mechanism is the only defence against the NFL slipping into communism (not on here, mind). It is economic feudalism, and shows all the shortcomings of capitalism at their worst. Yes, it’s supply and demand, but because I’m stuck wanting one product it’s pay up or go swivel.
The worst example of this is Goddell. The idea that that stuffed suit can 100 times the amount that players actually breaking themselves on the field do in a year is a fucking disgrace, and I don’t use those those words lightly. Can anyone imagine a black man replacing him as NFL Commissioner? Me neither.
It's crazy what top athletes earn. It's crazy how all the money is concentrated in the hands of a select few. Think of all the careers that never got off the ground due to injury or just being in thw wrong place at the wrong time. Sports is so fickle.
I don't see why the owners should get so rich and not share with the players. But the players make insane money. What surprises me is that people are willing to pay the price to attend modern games.
You are 100% correct. I thought of putting something in along those lines. What i wrote was to long as is. I pressed post without proof reading it. There are a few typos and grammatical errors. That's exactly what I did in school. History for example always seemed that we would have to write two 1500 word essays. After my first two years of University I had the same 65% average I carried through out my scholastic career. It was then my parents said you never try, so we won't pay for your school anymore haha. The next day I got a job as greenskeeper at the Royal Colwood golf course. I did one more term and quit. The greens keeper job was awesome, I got to play free golf at every course in town, which was something the union negotiated for us. I kept that job for three seasons, 5 months work. In 1982 I was getting $14 an hour and then had the winter off supported by unemployment insurance. So it was rugby and if there was no game or during the winter break it was ski season
Sorry I had not thought of any of that for years so I wrote it out. Victoria Chris
Lamar Jackson is entertainment personified. Lamar Jackson should have been paid last off season, for sure this off season. You can spread his other worldly signing bonus over the length of the contract. Lamar Jackson should be paid in between the cracks "sounds bad" of Russell, Josh Allen, and Patrick Mahones. There is one major impediment, and that is Lamar Jackson. Lamar is playing what looks to be a crazy gamble, he will not sit down with Baltimore and negotiate a new deal. The Ravens have been waiting 18 months with pen in hand. The only way I can figure this is Lamar will get hit with the franchise tag next year and possibly the year after. He wants to get to free agency. This is the polar oppisite problem that the Ravens had with Flaco. Baltimore was forced to pay Flaco as their fan base would have come unglued if they didn't resign him. Jackson has no agent other than his mother.
There may be a breaking point at sometime on Quarterback salaries, but it will take a tremendous amount of courage, like Pete and John showed trading Russell in his later prime. Jackson has not reached his full potential yet and maybe that's another reason he is NOT negotiating a new deal. The polar oppisite is, mini Lamar, Kyler Murray. Kyler want his money NOW, but has not played anywhere near to the level Lamar has. Yes Baltimore missed the playoffs last year but they lost their top 3 runningbacks by game 2.
To add to the problem of what QBs make, wideouts are now making about what number 10 through fifteen Quarterbacks earn. The chicken and egg quandary.
NFL owners are so greedy that they have painted themselves Into a corner with their artificially low salary cap. They are also the only owners of the four major North American team sports, who do not usually garuntee a veterans contract past year two. How do they change this so they can keep the good players they scouted, drafted, and coached them into superstars. This discrepancy is most obvious when comparing between the QBs money and the second team runninback who plays on special teams as well. We all no runningbacks are a dime a dozen, that we can pick them up in round 7 or after the draft; because of this RB2 is making $800K and getting the absolute shit kicked out of them. Don't get me wrong if I had grown up playing football $800K is more money than I could make in a year unless I won the Lottery. Lastly speaking of the Lottery Jerry Jones has done better than winning a lottery every year of his life. He leveraged everything he had and bought the Cowboys for 2 and a third Aaron Roger seasons or $120 Million. The Denver Bronco's are going to sell for anywhere from $5 to $6 billion. The Bronco's are a fine franchise but that would makee Dallas worth 10 to 12 billion dollars. The salary cap has made it that its unlikely we see another dynasty until something changes. Sure tha Patriots were a dynasty but there Quarterback took 1/3 less money than what any team including the Pats would have gladly paid him. This decision was easy because his wife was earning $30 million a year. The Hawks had a chance with Russell on a round 3 rookie contract. Let's forget about the goal line
So much to unpack in that! Teams need to fill stadiums, so the hot shot players are a necessary part of that. Even the off-season drama of holding out enriches the top media outlets. The competition for who gets most is muddying up everything, but drama sells and equity doesn't.
The average value of an NFL franchise has increased more than 700% in twenty years. The players—many of whom grew up in unimaginable poverty—want their cut. I for one can’t blame them. All I ask is that they give 100% when they are between the lines.
It's gotten to the point where I'm offended by QB and now WR salaries but I'm even more offended by billionaires in general. They simply shouldn't exist. I'm an architecture buff and I used to enjoy seeing the stunning luxury of wealthy homes. Now, in the face of our enormous wealth gap those same indulgences seem grotesque. When Russell Wilson arrived in Seattle I was enthralled by his humility and willingness to work but now as the money rolls he's just another celebrity, full of himself and his financial success. He's more concerned about his brand than he is the fans, football, or the community. He has lost his authenticity. As much as he's changed, I've changed. I find it harder and harder to enjoy watching these guys. Even the minimum salary is 14 times the average income in the USA. I'll always remember Gary Payton grumbling about having to live on a million dollars a year and Latrell Sprewell proclaiming, "I've got a family to feed," in declining a 3 year, $21 million contract". It's about getting rich, not being accomplished. What if we doubled the salaries of teachers, nurses, cops, and the guy who cleans the bathroom at the airport and said the most you can make is $999 million? Yes, I know it's naive but a guy can dream, right?
One of your best yet.
The big dollar contracts for me is like somebody talking with fake money. So and so signed for 70 million a year; bah, blah, blah. That was until RW left town and his house listed for$34 million. Good for him, but, what about the other 54 guys on the team?
I know entertainers and movie stars can make a lot more per year but in a team environment where you’re only as good as the last guy on the depth chart allowing some to make “tons” more money than others is going to cause problems in the not to distant future.
One idea to help the situation would have to start with the players by posing some guidelines for compensation value maybe by position, years in league, production etc. I don’t think the owners would even be able to start a discussion about something like this.
A salary/ contract deal was set up for the rookie draft players that really smoothed out the contract issues they used to have.
Maybe if the league was allowing $210 million in payroll the players could set a minimum salary at $3 -4 million the higher salaries would not be 50 times higher than the lowest paid players.
Perception of greed is not going to be good for the sport in the long run. When my teams QB is not playing because somebody else’s is making 5 million a week and my QB is only making 4.999 million, I’m not going to be very happy or sympathetic.
I agree, there is a terrible disparity between the handful that command $35m+ a year, the hundreds that earn $2m plus and everyone else who is expected to ruin their long-time health for vet minimum for our entertainment, even if ‘vet minimum ‘ is a damn sight more than anyone can earn on here.
Trading Russ? Good, if only to put the skids under the vulgarity that is QBs “just getting what is owed to them”. The panning PCJS for getting rid of an economic albatross is ridiculous, as if every cheap beat writer is in the pay of the owners and the NFL establishment. He just isn’t worth it. And if the answer to pandering to the bubble of paying prima donna QBs is to protect them to the point that the DLineman are playing flag football, then it literally is ‘game over’.
The solution is easy - as mentioned elsewhere, one player cannot earn more than 15% of the total salary cap. And forbid them from advertising junk food to boot, the ghastly money-grabbing hypocrites.
It is sad that it seems that teams being owned by one private individual of some odious corporate mechanism is the only defence against the NFL slipping into communism (not on here, mind). It is economic feudalism, and shows all the shortcomings of capitalism at their worst. Yes, it’s supply and demand, but because I’m stuck wanting one product it’s pay up or go swivel.
The worst example of this is Goddell. The idea that that stuffed suit can 100 times the amount that players actually breaking themselves on the field do in a year is a fucking disgrace, and I don’t use those those words lightly. Can anyone imagine a black man replacing him as NFL Commissioner? Me neither.
It's crazy what top athletes earn. It's crazy how all the money is concentrated in the hands of a select few. Think of all the careers that never got off the ground due to injury or just being in thw wrong place at the wrong time. Sports is so fickle.
I don't see why the owners should get so rich and not share with the players. But the players make insane money. What surprises me is that people are willing to pay the price to attend modern games.
You are 100% correct. I thought of putting something in along those lines. What i wrote was to long as is. I pressed post without proof reading it. There are a few typos and grammatical errors. That's exactly what I did in school. History for example always seemed that we would have to write two 1500 word essays. After my first two years of University I had the same 65% average I carried through out my scholastic career. It was then my parents said you never try, so we won't pay for your school anymore haha. The next day I got a job as greenskeeper at the Royal Colwood golf course. I did one more term and quit. The greens keeper job was awesome, I got to play free golf at every course in town, which was something the union negotiated for us. I kept that job for three seasons, 5 months work. In 1982 I was getting $14 an hour and then had the winter off supported by unemployment insurance. So it was rugby and if there was no game or during the winter break it was ski season
Sorry I had not thought of any of that for years so I wrote it out. Victoria Chris
Lamar Jackson is entertainment personified. Lamar Jackson should have been paid last off season, for sure this off season. You can spread his other worldly signing bonus over the length of the contract. Lamar Jackson should be paid in between the cracks "sounds bad" of Russell, Josh Allen, and Patrick Mahones. There is one major impediment, and that is Lamar Jackson. Lamar is playing what looks to be a crazy gamble, he will not sit down with Baltimore and negotiate a new deal. The Ravens have been waiting 18 months with pen in hand. The only way I can figure this is Lamar will get hit with the franchise tag next year and possibly the year after. He wants to get to free agency. This is the polar oppisite problem that the Ravens had with Flaco. Baltimore was forced to pay Flaco as their fan base would have come unglued if they didn't resign him. Jackson has no agent other than his mother.
There may be a breaking point at sometime on Quarterback salaries, but it will take a tremendous amount of courage, like Pete and John showed trading Russell in his later prime. Jackson has not reached his full potential yet and maybe that's another reason he is NOT negotiating a new deal. The polar oppisite is, mini Lamar, Kyler Murray. Kyler want his money NOW, but has not played anywhere near to the level Lamar has. Yes Baltimore missed the playoffs last year but they lost their top 3 runningbacks by game 2.
To add to the problem of what QBs make, wideouts are now making about what number 10 through fifteen Quarterbacks earn. The chicken and egg quandary.
NFL owners are so greedy that they have painted themselves Into a corner with their artificially low salary cap. They are also the only owners of the four major North American team sports, who do not usually garuntee a veterans contract past year two. How do they change this so they can keep the good players they scouted, drafted, and coached them into superstars. This discrepancy is most obvious when comparing between the QBs money and the second team runninback who plays on special teams as well. We all no runningbacks are a dime a dozen, that we can pick them up in round 7 or after the draft; because of this RB2 is making $800K and getting the absolute shit kicked out of them. Don't get me wrong if I had grown up playing football $800K is more money than I could make in a year unless I won the Lottery. Lastly speaking of the Lottery Jerry Jones has done better than winning a lottery every year of his life. He leveraged everything he had and bought the Cowboys for 2 and a third Aaron Roger seasons or $120 Million. The Denver Bronco's are going to sell for anywhere from $5 to $6 billion. The Bronco's are a fine franchise but that would makee Dallas worth 10 to 12 billion dollars. The salary cap has made it that its unlikely we see another dynasty until something changes. Sure tha Patriots were a dynasty but there Quarterback took 1/3 less money than what any team including the Pats would have gladly paid him. This decision was easy because his wife was earning $30 million a year. The Hawks had a chance with Russell on a round 3 rookie contract. Let's forget about the goal line
Plus, the Pats have solid ownership and had a coach/QB combo that ranks with Lombardi/Starr and Walsh/Montana.
So much to unpack in that! Teams need to fill stadiums, so the hot shot players are a necessary part of that. Even the off-season drama of holding out enriches the top media outlets. The competition for who gets most is muddying up everything, but drama sells and equity doesn't.
The average value of an NFL franchise has increased more than 700% in twenty years. The players—many of whom grew up in unimaginable poverty—want their cut. I for one can’t blame them. All I ask is that they give 100% when they are between the lines.