I always thought that violent sports and the military are great escape valves to men who are too aggressive.

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There is something pretty great about being able to listen to these guys reminisce, unscripted, about playing and competing together. I didn't plan to listen to the entire Brandon Mebane conversation, but I couldn't stop, and that is probably content that wouldn't exist if his buddy K.J. (or someone of similar personal and professional relationship status) hadn't been hosting the podcast. It's a strange world we live in now days. There is no real expiration date on exploiting your fame if you can just be your own content creator.

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The Crime in Sports podcast did a show on Brandon Browner. I thought I knew the gist of his offenses, but they went into detail. It was indeed horrifying and the final assault was done in front of his 2 young children. I hope he turns his life around but it seemed like his life fell apart after football. You have to wonder if CTE isn't a factor. Not making excuses, but if memory serves, he was a fairly model citizen before his decline. And I believe he's parole eligible this year.

As for Golden, I like him as a player but he's always had beef with Russ. I thought (and still think) the rumors about him and Russell's ex wife were preposterous, but he seemed angry that Russ wouldn't make a public statement and deny it. Russ wasn't going to give it attention. I do think he's onto something about Russ being obsessed with his image. And what a hit that took last year. From his play on the field to his charity, nothing went right in 2022 for him.

The Legion of Boom years had some real characters on it. I'm sure every team has theirs, but Sherm, Baldwin, Mike B, ET, Marshawn, and choirboy Russ were quite the mix. Hats off to Pete for keeping the peace for as long as he did.

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Very interesting. Thanks for the recommendation.

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I enjoy it, but it’s not for everyone. It’s just a couple of standup comics who like sports. One does all the research and dictates each story and the other one just reacts. Some of the best ones I’ve ever heard were WWF wrestlers and mixed martial artists I’d never heard of. Those brain injury sports (including football) produce the craziest behavior. Of course, you probably have to be a certain level of crazy to become involved in those anyway. The titles annoyingly are not by athlete name, so Google whoever you are interested in who has had run ins with the law and see if they’ve covered them. They are long, usually 2-3 hours and very well researched.

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I'm seriously lovin' on Golden Tate. That kid is awesome.

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