I don't believe in conspiracies. They are exaggerations of reality created by THEM so any investigation of something is immediately met with scorn.

In all seriousness, I don't believe in conspiracies, but I think that some referees will intentionally and discreetly force (or hold) their hands here and there. It may be to favor an underdog so a friend or relative wins some bets, or to keep games close, which is better for their employers the NFL. It's not widespread, it's not a conspiracy, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen here and there.

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That might be the answer, if so quite of few of them are doing it-

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

If it’s rigged, it’s not necessarily for Goodell’s favorites. It would be for the benefit of certain betting interests. And we can’t necessarily assume that the dirty money is on the Golden Boy teams.

Oppose online betting legalization. Seriously. It’s a credible and serious threat to honest sports.

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Does Goodell have a favorite team, or is his leaning toward a favorite owner? He has been criticized and called out for years by fans of the sport yet he keeps his cushy job and hangs out in certain owner boxes. Might be interesting to keep tabs on what owners treat him best.

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It speaks volumes that Goodell, a stuffed suit at the head of an organisation long bent to the economic interests of billionaires, earns far more per year ($64m) than the highest paid player ($50m).

Maybe the argument for his ridiculous salary is that he is beyond bribery? But he is paid to turn a blind eye when the occasion suits.

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Sorry about your Seaside Toe.

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thank you! haha

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

I am not saying it's rigged, But I have what I believe to be a serious question. The Seahawks get at Least two bad calls every single game, and they actually or could or have made a difference in the outcome of their games! If I was the Head Coach I would be letting the Honcho's at the NFL know that I am fed up with this Sh*t! And this is not something New!!!

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

I don’t think there’s any league wide conspiracy for the tournament. I think it’s dangerous for the future of the league with all the gambling at casinos and dollars involved with fantasy leagues as it relates to individual game outcomes. Suddenly a ticky tack holding call costs a team 7 points and the team penalized only wins by 2. Could look real bad. Millions of dollars can swing from one side to the other.

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Are the gambling outlets clean?

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

It wouldn’t be the gambling outlets I would be concerned about, they are going to win. Anytime large sums of money are be gambled the temptation is there to cheat.

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

That the Raiders are incompetent does not make the NFL corrupt. They could have run a prevent D on the final drives, when the Rams had no time outs, in which case they would have won. There were a couple of penalties called on the drive. One was clearly right. The other could have gone either way. Again, I don't think the fix was in. That's just football.

Any chance Donald returns this season? How about Kupp? Maybe for the Denver game . . . pretty please.

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Rams and Jets.... now THAT would be a rigged job 😂😂

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The no call on obvious PI in the New Orleans play off game that kept the Saints from the Super Bowl made a lot of fans question the integrity of the NFL.

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

While I don't think that games are overtly rigged, I believe that they are impacted by refs' calls over a long term. Anywhere there are massive amounts of money, there will be people who will do everything they can to figure out how to get a piece of it. Corruption abounds everywhere. Whether it be scammers trying to steal unemployment monies from people, companies that cross the line of the law to obtain a municipal contract, people in high places that accept bribes, boxers that take the fall and lose deliberately, all manner of grift, con games, deceit, and fraud, surely sports has all of that. Are the refs in on it, too? Yes. Here's my theory.

Gambling is a multi-billion dollar industry. There is a whole industry of people doing everything to affect the odds in their favor, and cheating is part of that like everything else that has big bucks. There have been many instances of refs being caught involved with cheating scandals in the past. Is it still happening? Of course it is. We don't know until something gets outed and makes the news. My theory is that certain refs are tasked with doing something that can affect the point spreads of the games. Not every ref is involved. But perhaps there are some refs in each game like just one, a couple, or a few that are supposed to make a key call or non-call at some key point in time to affect the outcome of the game. Again, I don't think that the games are overtly rigged. There are too many factors and variables in a game that will not guarantee with one hundred percent certainty a desired outcome. But, over a period of time, if some refs are influencing the game in a certain way, the results will play out statistically over the long term. We tend to think of gambling as this quick and fast play drama. You win big or lose big. But, parties with big money who are privy to the workings of certain games affected by their "guys" can win over the long term. It's like the casino always comes out ahead. The house always has a statistical advantage over the people that play. Probably the bad calls or non-calls that these compromised refs do may not tilt the game overtly for one game. But over a period of time, their influence will show up statistically and those in the know can be assured that their bets will pay off big time.

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Gambling is a reasonable concern.

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Russell could have called an audible

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

No idea if it's rigged, but with the money in the NFL it's rather difficult to think there's no manipulating going on for the benefit of the more influential owners. That's not a conspiracy, it's how wealthy people operate. The change in rules during off-seasons is a manipulation of what they saw as a place where they could play with the calls and penalties after a season where some teams may have complained they would have won if only X hadn't happened.

Wealthy influential people aren't known for playing fair if a tweak and a cheat will enhance their bottom line. Let's see how this next off-season changes things to help the Broncos now that the Waltons own them.

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

I would never say never, but I believe there is no corruption to speak of in the NFL. Certainly no conspiracies that include more than two people as even one person has trouble keeping a secret. Two creates problems of trust, and three guarantees that the secret will spread like wildfire.

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

It’s not rigged. Too many variables and too many people would have to be “in the know” for it to remain a secret. All you need is one disgruntled guy to say “fuck it” and get a multimillion dollar book deal or other expose.

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

If it's not rigged,, then why did Russell Wilson throw that garbage pass, and not just turn around and hand it to Lynch???

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Because Darrell Bevel got cute.

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Because Goodell hates Marshawn for all his press conference shenanigans!

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

XL wasn’t a conspiracy but the coincidences that piled up against the Steelers really sucked

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That game is one that makes me think it's true -Too many bad calls that changed the outcome of that game! I have it on tape and have watched it I don't know how many times - somebody was (the refs ) changed the way that game went on purpose!

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

If the NFL was rigged I'd imagine they would've wanted a show down between Russ and mahomes in the afc playoffs, and in the nfc, it would've been the rams running it back, showing this new dynasty with Stafford. As you said, based on the scheduling, those were the story lines they seemed to have felt would've been most compelling.

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