Have you got time for a weird little story?

My wife’s parents were very religious and Pop always said the Grace prayer before the meal. Pop was declining and I foolishly asked his son to say the grace at a Thanksgiving meal my wife and I were hosting. Pop was still lucid enough that his feelings were hurt and he was annoyed with me until the day he died. I was both right and wrong in this family matter.

The difference here is that if Pop screwed up the Grace prayer, nobody won or lost a football game. I’m NOT saying PC is declining or any such stupid thing as that, only that sometimes when the torch needs to be passed, the person holding the torch doesn’t want to let go.

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IMHO, the reasons Pete is still here is two-fold: one, they would be paying him anyway so why not hold onto his contract and two, it saves a little face for a franchise icon and the team. I dream of being able to trade Pete for draft pick compensation so I like the rumor. Word around the DC area is that the Moons want Ben Johnson in the worst way and that they will will not be denied, but I also dream of the Hawks stealing BJ from the Moons because they still have Eric B as OC and that is too many offensive cooks in the kitchen. I told my wife a week ago that Pete will wind up with the Moons because they are looking for just the culture change that Pete can provide. It’s been so toxic in DC for so long with bad ownership and front office, I think it is a perfect match.

If BJ is not to be for the Hawks, I am warming up to a Vrabel (HC) / Arthur Smith (OC) combo. As I mentioned on another post, I think if Quinn is the choice then JS will join Pete in the unemployment line next offseason.

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The Seahawks fired Pete - yes they still have to pay him next years salary but they don’t have control over him. The advisory position is not a position. It is face saving gesture more for the Seahawks than Pete. I would not be surprised Pete would be interested in the job and send out signals that he wants it. I would be surprised if gets it but happy for him.

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This year was just weird. I follow the Packers and the Seahawks. The Pack limped downhill for the first half of the season and then turned it around for the second half. The Hawks felt like a team figuring it out for the first half and then all of the hope and promise just melted. The last 2 months were terrible to experience. The team just didn't seem to have the juice. The Packers did. Now Matt LeFleur is again a young genius and Pete is over the hill. Stuff happens fast.

I think Pete is still a better bet than Belichick anyway.

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Were the fans hoping to lose out when they were 6-8 for a better draft pick? Because people “knew they couldn’t compete with the Niners”?

Wonder if that’s just Seahawk fans or typical

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I speculated on Pete going to the Chargers in my first comment here after the news broke. I’d be surprised if the Chargers don’t at least have a conversation with him. Jim Harbaugh is a younger, successful coach, but he’s also been more abrasive to management everywhere he’s been. I still think Harbaugh gets it if he wants it, but Pete could make some pretty good arguments for himself, so I wouldn’t rule him out.

Oddly enough, I’ve hated the Raiders and Broncos from the Hawks old AFC days, but don’t feel that way about the Chargers. If Pete goes there, they will be my #1 AFC team!

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I don’t think Pete is with the Seahawks now. He was forced out Jody and John wanted to put a good face on that. Pete is not BB so he is not going to come out and say this is BS. The Chargers are all in on H but he may not be all in on them. If he goes to the Charges and does well then he will be playing his brother repeatedly. Something that Jim reportedly hates. The Falcons don’t play the Ravens until 2026. Also the Chargers have QB but last I heard so do the Chiefs. Finally the Falcons just feel like a H team. Bottom line I think the Falcons BB not withstanding is a better H fit. Jilted by H the Chargers could end up choosing the former King of LA in quest just to be relevant.

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Go Pete!

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Pete to the LA Chargers...look out AFC West. All they need is a few holes to fill , a great coach to go with a great young QB in Herbert and assistant coaches who want to work with a coaching legend. Who wants to overpay for a known ethically challenged cheater like Harbaugh. He should get a job managing the Houston Astros!

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Ugh. Astros hate on a Seahawks website. Are you a Yankees or Dodgers fan or something?

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I don’t know if the rumor is true, but a lot of people (including yours truly and a random guy on twitter named Richard Sherman) have been saying that it makes sense. Which makes it even more likely to be a rumor.

However, people forget that football is a business, and the Chargers ownership in particular is accused of being too much of a business. And that’s why Pete would be attractive to the Chargers brass. Not only he will probably command a lower contract than Harbaugh, he’s so popular in LA that it would probably increase attendance in games and merch sales.

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Idk that the organization would fit with him, though. Yeah, he is as LA as it gets in the league, but LA doesn't run the team. Like you said, they are all business. No inside info here, but it seems to me that they are SO business that they will be more rigid than Pete wants when building a program. Just a hunch, though.

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To me, the fact that there are business is the best chance that Pete has. Have you seen a Chargers game? There’s nobody in the stands. Pete once made USC a hot ticket in LA. Know that he could do it again, but if your business looking to fill seats, it might be worth a try.

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Carroll is a west coast guy, though, an LA guy in particular, so that he would want the Chargers job is very logical to me.

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It's Harbaugh to the Chargers, still. Johnson still to the Moons. Now we have Callahan for the Titans. The field is narrowing down with the unknowns now being basically just Seattle and the Panthers.

Pending a relatively shock turnaround from the Eagles or Steelers, Pete won't be in the NFL next year. The advisor role we all know is just a good will gesture and not a serious position. It's how we avoid Firing the franchise legend. The rest of the league can sense that whilst he is still a young-at-heart person, he's over-the-hill as an NFL coach. Possilby a CFB program would like him as an actual advisor/GM/assistant-HC hybrid, but how much does Pete want to go back to CFB, not much I bet.

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Regardless of Pete wanting to continue as a head coach, or some team seriously wanting him, I have thought since the announcement that Pete staying on with the hawks would have high odds of being awkward to contentious. John fired him, from the job he really wanted to keep doing, now Pete is going to work for John in some lesser capacity? Fertile ground for at least awkward. A new HC is coming in, with his own ideas, goals organization and the ex-coach is down the hall in some capacity? Awkward. All or most of the team love their old coach, but now there’s some new guy in that chair, while their beloved Pete is bouncing off the walls high fiving them? Possibly disruptive.

It seems like getting divorced, and then getting re-married while the ex is living in the garage. Perhaps I’m a doom seeker but I just see opportunities for rough water ahead. If Pete could find another gig, I think that would be the best possible route to ‘happily ever after’. And I’m a big fan of Pete, but this franchise has to move on, swiftly.

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Did John fire him or was it Jody? Seems like Pete had more control than John, so I think it's a Jody decision.

Either way, it would be hilarious if Pete sniped Harbaugh for the Chargers job. They just can't stand each other, can they?

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Jody and Seahawks leadership did the firing. That’s who Pete reported to. If we want to speculate as to why Pete was fired, I think JS press conference gives us solid clues. Based on his comments there were differences of opinion around,I imagine, key positions and the coordinators / staff. Pete got his way and the team under performed. Now that JS is in control, the coordinators were given permission to pursue roles elsewhere and JS is going to build the team how he wants. I’m excited to see what that looks like.

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If he was 'fired', it was a most gracious exit. My bet is they had to undo Pete's commitments and this was the only way to do it honorably.

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I love Pete, but I want him out of here. I mean, the "advisor" thing is just face-saving on the part of the organization. I think Pete staying here would be like an ex-husband continuing to live in the same house with his wife and her new husband. There's no way for him to comPETE here. I like Pete to Chicago.

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I think the chemistry with JS was/is sincere. Pete obviously could see the strengths in the arguments for going in a different direction, albeit coming from "non-football people". The way they combined to make selections, especially recently, speaks for itself. Schneider would (will?) know if it changed. If it is just face-caving, then yeah, Pete will be gone. He said he's 100% behind John. I believe him.

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Jan 23Liked by Seaside Joe

Oh, and one more thing...

If PC is hired by another team, would there be some sort of Comp. Pick involved?

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I meant to address this in the post but forgot. I'm just a guy with an opinion, nothing more, but I'll be surprised if the team gets weird about it. Like, the Chargers are going to trade a first round pick for Pete Carroll? I don't think so. So the Seahawks are going to hold onto a head coach's rights who doesn't want to be there so they can get a second round pick? I don't think so. I don't think any trade is going to happen even though Seattle is always looking for a competitive advantage.

There wouldn't be a comp pick involved for losing a head coach though, no.

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But isn’t Pete still under contract? They aren’t going to give him away for free. They are already committed to paying him.

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Pete Carroll will be irresistible to some team. There are owners and fan bases out there who would be happy with an average season of 10.5-6.5 with possibility of a SB appearance in the bargain. They won’t care how old he is or that the last segment of his tenure with Seattle was a couple of 9-8 seasons. The latter will look good to them.

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I don’t know a thing, but if the Bears owe us nothing for hiring Waldron (who was never relieved of his OC duties) why would the Chargers, since Pete is not the head coach? It’s different than Sean Payton who “retired”, so the team never parted ways.

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Pete, as far as we know, wasn't given free reign to go to another team, Waldron and the assistants were. If I could, I would try to get a 2nd for Pete. He's a better coach than Sean Payton.

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"So the Seahawks are going to hold onto a head coach's rights who doesn't want to be there..."

A head coach they have already fired.

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Sean Payton retired and the Broncos had to compensate to hire him because New Orleans had his rights. Similar situation here. Carroll is a better coach and man than Payton. That guy is scum in my eyes.

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Jan 23Liked by Seaside Joe

"I hope it works out for him. But I mostly hope whatever happens works out for the Seahawks."

Well said young man. Well said.

If nothing else, I'd like Pete to stab Jim Harbaugh one more time.

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Yeah! What's his problem, anyway?

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Pete has kept himself 20 years younger, so let's take age out of the considerations. Maybe he now realizes he got comfortable on cruise control and John saw it. He himself said he's got "all the energy" he always had. So yeah, I can see him looking for another challenge, if only to show us guys his age how it is done. He's still loved in LA from his USC days. I doubt he'd go to a team in our division, though. Somewhere warm. Atlanta would be ideal. Like a Bruce Ariens redux?

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Can't see Atlanta, though I'm sure he'd love having Bijan.

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Only thing I pump the brakes on a bit is calling Atlanta "somewhere warm", it is in the foothills of the mountains and has cold sloppy winters. Yeah, the summer is long and hot, but it is no LA. Warmer than Seattle, sure. Not trying to contradict you, just adding a little pause to the notion that it is in LA's league, except for the shit traffic.

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I live in Atlanta and have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe it's growing up in the NE (though born in Seattle), but "cold sloppy winters" is a totally incorrect comment. The summers are hot (June through August), but even "long and hot" is kind of overplaying your hand. It's no Florida on that end (isn't that where you are located?).

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Albany... bout 3hrs south of you. All of my work shipments come out of our warehouse in ATL, and I go up there every couple of month to Children's Hospital and Emory. How long have you been in ATL? I just speak anecdotally about the past 20yrs I noticed that it snows about every 2-3 yrs, or more, and temps are way below what LA would ever see. I am certainly not the expert on ATL weather, but I think it was safe to state that it ain't no LA

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In any event, I think we can scratch Chicago.

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Should he be hired by another team, wherever Pete winds up will automatically be my #2 NFL team. It may have been Pete, as much as the Seahawks, who needed a fresh start.

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I have a beautiful blue LaDainian Thomlinson jersey I won a long time ago in a MNF bar pool I belonged to back in the day. If Carroll gets the Chargers HC position, I will wear it when I watch those games.

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