Somehow the more the pundits talk up a team the more leary I am of that being gospel. In the back of my mind I wondering what the loss of Desai will mean to an already challenged defense. The additions made in free agency and last years draft are a good start, overcoming the loss of two years of no first round picks or trade carrots. For the most part Adams has been MIA two out of 3 years. Diggs started the first half of last season slow but improved at the end. ILB is an area of strong need. I wouldn't put it past Seattle using some quality draft capital this year and next to change than. An addition of a top notch center prospect and another guard could give Seattle the possibility of the best line they have had under the Pete and JS era. I don't thing Seattle is going to go all in on WR this year but will in 24. I expect Seattle will draft a RB no later than the 3rd round and add another veteran back. Seattle needs a good crop of UDFA to find some missing depth this year as well. DT and edge will come in the draft and possibly take a flyer on someone like Ingram, Houston or even another good not great up and commer as a rotational specialist. Seattle will draft another CB in the 5th.

What is amazing about the 49ers is that they seem to find coaching talent after losing so much. They find ways to win with "Bargain Basement QB's". The find good backs past round 5. Their WR corps and running game is an example of an excellent scheme. Honestly I think they have shown superiority in coordinators for the last 4 years and I don't expect that to change much. The cap catches up with everybody though eventually.

Seattle needs another banner draft this year to become the crown jewel Pete hopes to find in his golden years. I do like the new QB coach and think that Scott and Anderson could be good at their positions. With all the new toys Seatttle is going to end up giving Hurt, I would hope to see some major inprovement in year 2 defensively. Chemistry and injury fate can't be bought. Sometimes you need a little "lady luck" to step up too the plate too (Go M's). Prognostication will never replace the reality of the game. Seattle stands at a threhold year in 23. It's not about winning it all per se, but moving up a tier with youth momentum. I think Seattle is smart enough to turn down the white noise and let the field do their talking this year. 23 is a year to find more optomism, yet a cautious perspective.

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Every time I read Seaside Joe and get to the comment section see the first item in the top articles section, "Are Seahawks happier without Russell Wilson?", and smile.

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What could be the places we're overselling the 2023 Seahawks? There's a lot of optimism about this team, especially after free agency. But, there's always this truth of NFL off-season: fans assume what the team did well last year will stay the same and what they didn't do well will improve. Are the any areas we assume the Seahawks will stay good at from last year that might actually get worse next year? Is there any way to be realistic? Should I just shut up and drink the Kool aid?

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How good is the rookie class? Was Mafe taken to early? Why was Irvin brought in? Does Coby Bryant have what it takes to improve? After 2-3 years we might find out that this draft class wasn't as good as we first thought. But then again maybe it will be.

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Mafe would be my bet to make the greatest jump up with Olson's coaching and an off-season to get better/stronger.

Coby played better in the back half of the season and there is a chance he goes back to playing at CB next season.

To get four starters at both OT spots, RB and CB that are all plus players--that alone will be a huge success.

Dareke Young and Mafe turning into starters or playing significant snaps will make a strong class outstanding.

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The biggest single Seahawks vulnerability is QB. Geno had a career-defining year in 2022 but the stats tailed off towards the end of the season. Second-half-2022 Geno was very average and maybe 2023 will look like that.

The Seahawk's injury luck was better than average last year (there was an article at FG that analyzed that), so a 'reversion to the mean' might derail the espected year over year improvement of the rookie class from 2022 and the FA additions.

But yeah, if you are pouring kool-aid I will have some strawberry orange please!

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It's possible he looks like end of season Geno, but it's also possible he looks like first half Geno. That's why I think we have to look at the year as a whole and contextualize it, instead of looking at his best performance and worst performance and trying to decide which one he is.

I would think part of it was opponents finally building up some film on him and sussing out his tendencies; now Geno will have to work on his countermove while studying film. I don't know if the "rookie wall" is a real thing or if Lucas and Cross hit it, but sloppy line play could also contribute to worse QB play.

I know people bring up the Turnover Worthy Throw stat but I have a hard time putting any stock into a stat tells what could have happened but didn't -- I could make up a stat like that and you could never prove me wrong, I'd say "prove to me that it COULDN'T happen, what now smart guy?!"

Geno also hadn't played meaningful football since around his rookie season until last year and there's an argument to be made that having real game snaps will allow him to really improve. I won't start that argument...but I could (prove I couldn't, smart guy!)

All that is just a long ass way to say that I think he'll be as good as last year at least. Not first half good and not second half bad, but in aggregate.

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The Seahawks also did have some injuries towards the end of the season. Lockett played but at less than 100%. The rookie class--yeah 17 games of regular season NFL is way different than 10-12 games of college ball, particularly in successful programs where the starters frequently get pulled in the 4th Q when there is a big lead. I actually think Geno will be marginally better in 2023 but the "what might go wrong" question would start with him.

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Possibly RB depending on how Walker develops and who we draft/sign. I'd say LB and Safety are still up in the air, especially depending on what happens with Adams and how/when he recovers.

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Rams have no 1st rounder and one 2nd rounder but a slew of Day 3 picks, I'd expect them to trade up this year. I don't expect them to be good on defense but they'll still have some solid playmakers on offense and McVay, so unless Stafford can't physically throw a football this September, they'll still be in more games than I'd like to see.

The Niners will remain competitive (although their roster has taken some big hits in FA) but they also have a ton of Day 3 picks to trade up with. The inevitable Bosa contract would be far more potentially limiting down the road if the Niners had actually drafted their future franchise QB in 2021, but Lance is never going to be that guy. That said, the Niners still need to find a QB.

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“Let’s do the time warp again”. Heck at my age an hour feels like a minute. A month is like a week. Geez let’s time warp all over the Rams, 49ers and Cardinals. Go Haws and love the 12s!

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McVay and Gms arrogance have left franchise in ruins. Them laughing at Belicheks 1 st round pick last year spoke volumes. McVay running from bad roster says “Quitter” Seniors like Pete, Bill and Andy are competitive Year after year.

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"It leaves a really pressing question for the Rams

that nobody seems willing to face: What the hell are

Stafford, Kupp, and Donald doing there anymore?"

I'm not sure Stafford makes it through the year with all his injuries. Why risk his long-term health on a team that's most likely going nowhere? Of course I can't say for certain that they're going nowhere -- people said the same about the Seahawks last year and they surprised many -- but it doesn't look good right now.

The 49ers I'm not sure; when are all their best players due for contracts? As far as QB goes, I don't think it matters who it is because if the team is winning games and making the playoffs that QB is going to want a big contract even if he's not the main reason for success. He might not get from his current team but surely someone will pay for his services right before getting buyer's remorse.

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Well as Ken says, for the Rams it is all about the comp picks.

Amirite? :)

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Is this draft actually as underwhelming as it feels? Or does it just feel that way due to the fact that we have pick #5 and there aren't many (if any) players the people consider "sure things" like in some past drafts?

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It depends on which position group a team needs out of this draft. Teams needing CB's and RB's seem to have plenty to choose from. Pass rushers too, and of course QB's. Top end talent isn't plentiful like last year, that seems true, and most players in the later rounds will never make it in the NFL, but that is generally true every year.

LB's, IOL, and WR's seems to be the poorest position groups. WR's have plenty of Lockett type players and very few DK type players. Just my thoughts on the subject.

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Well, since we need a RB and another CB, we could be one of the teams that does well. Would not be surprised if we used one of our day one or two picks for a WR. In fact, I'd be surprised if we don't. And that top five pick could be Anderson or, perhaps even now, Carter. Despite the concerns about Carter's maturity, the talent is off the charts.

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Ram are tanking!

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Where we take positions is what makes it near impossible to forecast draft picks. Everyone seems to have their favorites. When it comes to WR's I have bounced around from Josh Downs to Iosvivas. Now, I am enamored with a guy no one is talking about and I'm a bit hesitant to bring him up for fear he will go viral, LOL. Anyways, Charlie Jones out of Purdue.


This is his long highlights reel. 25 minutes. By the end I was in love. Reminds me of Lockett more than anyone else. Elite hands and feet. Enjoy.

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Impressive. Looks like McCaffrey in WR form.

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He could follow in Lockett footsteps by starting out primarily as a K/P returner. He might even go to the pro bowl in that capacity. Good punt returners are seemingly rare.

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I’m with you. I think all along it’s been about 2024 and 2025. In fact if they trade back from #5 (>50% chance) they’ll have two 1st rd picks in 2024 as well. Now that they’re listening to Scot Mclaughan again, could end up with great classes from 2023 and 2024.

Just feels like something’s building here, I’m with you. Even though no one can predict the future, agree there too

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I reading this a year from now and it's still as prescient as it was back then.

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Mar 19, 2023·edited Mar 19, 2023

The Rams went all in to win a SB and to their credit, they did. But in the process they completely mortgaged their future, and the cost to them was a 5 win 2022 season and that looks like it might be the ceiling for them in 2023. Is McVay a great coach? Let's see if he can build back a roster from scraps (the way Pete/John did in 2009) to contend for the NFCW.

Pete simply won't let his team not win. If you have read Win Forever (highly recommended) you will already know that Pete's standard for winning is the Buffalo Bills under Levy, who made it to the SB FOUR STRAIGHT YEARS. The fact they never won the SB is beside the point for Pete--just being that good to win your conference and get there four straight is an achievement not equalled before or since.

So Pete/John are always looking for a way to make THIS TEAM better and have a better opportunity, and as we have been talking about the 2022 draft, this "unexpected" success in 2022, the great offseason leading to the 2023 draft--this is exactly Pete/John.

The Rams will fight with the Cardinals for last place in the division this year--the question is have the Seahawks done enough (with the draft still to come) to overtake the Niners?

The Niners mortgaged their future--twice: once to draft Trey Lance (why he didn't change his first name to TD I will never understand) and again to get CMC. The returns did not get the Niners to the SB--and their tragectory is about to point groundwards. The Seahawks/Niners games will be competitive this year and in 2024 the Seahawks will be restored to dominance in the NFCW (maybe even this year if the Niners QB situation falls apart which definitely could happen).

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To be fair to the Rams (as much I am loath to be) their 5-win season was down to a cataclysmic level of injury rather than expensive vets going through the motions whilst gazing at their new signet rings on. And even though they were ravaged, they nearly/should have won the last game. If the injury situation has been reversed, I fear we’d still be in counselling from PTSD.

This season they should be worse, but the bookies still favour them to come second in the division, so I’m not fetching the hammer and nails for their coffin lid just yet.

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It's interesting that no matter what happens the year after a team wins the Super Bowl, unless they win it again, it will be a "disappointment" by some measure because you can only go down from there.

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That is a media-driven narrative as much as anything. Winners! We want winners!! But sure, you want your team to win it all every year as a fan at some level, but if you are at all realistic in your fandom you know that isn't likely/possible.

I am so impressed with Pete and his philosophy for building a team. Trying to accomodate Russ took him away from that in ways we won't appreciate until when/if there is Neflix documentary on the topic (kidding) but sustained success in the cap era is a signficant accomplishment.

I have also been a Seahawks fan since the '90's so I know when we've got it good!

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I agree! They've been one of the winningest teams during Pete's tenure and while I acknowledge what the Patriots accomplished it's still an outlier that, in my opinion, shouldn't be where the bar is set; I'm not saying that's you, just the people lamenting the Seahawks the past six years or so and pointing to the Patriots unprecedented success as the reason we shouldn't be satisfied with the team.

I won't deny we've had some down years, bad drafts and bad signings but I still had fun watching and never felt the team was hopeless, that we always had a chance to do something good.

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Yep. I bet if you could get Pete into a room with some truth serum administered he would admit that his one regret was not trading Russ two years sooner.

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The fact that we're here, shooting the shyte over the Seahawks, is proof that it's not all about winning the Superbowl. The real question is are we entertained. Here we are, talking football, entertaining each other and ourselves. And there are no games being played anytime soon.

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I'm glad that we can have good conversations, even in disagreement, instead of fighting over what to do with other people's money.

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That is a very good point lol!

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I agree - no matter how good the team I root for and how bad their opponent is, I never think or say "we're going to stomp them!" And I especially don't add in some shit talking to the opposing fans; it just seems unwise to make claims and definitive statements that you have no way of backing up because they are out of your control.

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So true. We are merely observers. Dressed in overpriced gear but observers just the same.

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I'll admit, I get enjoyment out of watching fellow fans say the 'hawks are going to rout a crappy team and then freaking out when they lose, using words like "inexcusable", "atrocious", "sickening", "butt pirate"...

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A prediction is something that one is supposed to be confident in. A guess is just that, using what little facts any of us really have.

One thing that happens almost every year, a team that is supposed to be good isint. There is also a team that hardly anyone predicts will make the playoffs, and they do, the 2022 Seahawks for one.

If we get 3 quality starters from this draft and our players from last year continue to grow, "Boye Mafe" most importantly. I will guess Seattle is play off bound.

Funny thing about how an oblong ball and the way it bounces. Health will be number 1, we do have more depth, but the middle of both lines are not there yet.

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There's an old Yiddish saying, "Mentsch Tracht un Gott Lacht". Men plan and God laughs.

It rhymes in Yiddish.

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Didn't they steal that from Johnny Carson?

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Yiddish? Nah, that goes way back ;-)

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A very sensible outline of where things stand in Seattle, relative to the rest of the division and overall in the NFL. I'm sure Rams fans are delighted with the way things worked out. They mortgaged their future but managed to eek out a Superbowl win (just barely). But a Superbowl win is a Superbowl win, a once-in-an-eon sort of deal that can't be overstated. Kudos to them.

Now imagine for a moment if they lost. All their chips on the table with nothing to show for it (if you subscribe to the Superbowl or nothing philosophy, which I don't). I'm glad I'm not a Rams fan because I would not have enjoyed that sort of wild ride. I'm glad Seattle doesn't go 'round mortgaging its future. It did that to a very limited extent with the Adams trade but it almost kinda-sorta made sense back then with an aging Russell Wilson. At this point, I'm hopeful we'll just hit it big with the next draft class.

Of course in the NFL anything can happen. As you say, Kenneth, the future is not predictable. As Chuck says, time will tell. Pete's about as good as there is in motivating his guys to play all out and the roster appears improved already. The draft hasn't even happened yet. Plus last year's rookies are likely to demonstrate a significant jump forward. So we'll see.

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If the Rams had pushed all their chips onto the table and lost... they would be the NINERS lol.

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That'll be funny if the 9ers don't win it all in the next year or two. The trade for Lance makes ours for Adams look good.

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Yeah, at the time I thought it was crazy because Lance's record of college success was "thin" to be charitable. And blowing all that draft capital on a QB bust is bad enought, but what they did with CMC was maybe worse. CMC managed to stay in the lineup after he was traded but as good as he is, his inability to stay healthy has defined his career. Here is the Niners 2023 nightmare scenario: Purdy/Lance prove to be ineffective; CMC can't stay in the lineup; and the D starts to sag under the weight of having to carry the team.

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What's completely inexplicable is the way Shanahan had Lance running with reckless abandon. Lots of people predicted he'd get hurt. The press asked about it. He said the coaches told him not to worry.

I wondered at the time if they weren't trying to get him injured so they could find an excuse to not play Lance and make them look smart for resigning Garoppolo. So many 49ers choices seem inscrutable. Sometimes really smart and/or idiotic at the same time.

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Lance's college career--almost 40% of his plays from scrimmage were running plays where he was carrying the ball. He had just 318 career passing attempts in college, 65% completion. Letting Lance run was maybe the only thing Shanahan *could* do with him to be successful.

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That's possible. But it made it super likely he would get injured. Not the running per se but the refusal to step out of bounds or slide. He was running into hits and not being coached to avoid contact as much as possible.

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