Talking of cornerbacks, nobody talks of Pete’s coaching of cornerbacks the last 3 years. I think one of the best jobs he has done. He kept bringing them in for competition. He didn’t give up just kept working them in.

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It's hard for me to know if this feeling is real, or if it's just that I pay way more attention to the Hawks than any other team, but it feels correct to say that a lot of players have the best years of their career during their time with the Seahawks.

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FA seems about as exciting as a neighborhood garage sale. It’s important for me to know why they are FA. Too old, not good enough, didn’t play to their expectations etc. and what are we suppose to do with them. Coach Cable spent a number of years trying to make players something they weren’t. I’m anxious to see what the Hawks wind up doing but sorting through the top 101 FA is just a drag, for me.

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Tom Cable was a drain on the Seahawks. Pete had a hard time pulling the plug on him. Not only did he coach the O line not well he was the assistant head coach coming off a Super Bowl win and another appearance.

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Giving Cable and Bevel equal stature was a bad idea from Day 1. Early on, the offense was talented enough to overcome this, which had the unfortunate fallout of making it look smart.

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DE and CB are positions that are deep in this years' draft. So, no, on DE's and CB's.

We need LB help, and the only way to get help in this years' draft would be to reach for the LB's. Which would have us take a questionably mediocre LB instead of a good OL or DL or CB. I think they will spend a bit on a LB in free agency, but otherwise, they will likely skip FA. and I concur.

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I would be more than happy to see Coby Bryant playing the nickel for 2023. He did force a number of fumbles with well-timed punch outs. He is more than a willing tackler. It was also Coby's first year playing a very complicated position. I think it would be a good idea to bring in competition, as I believe Colemans best days are behind him. If someone out plays Coby in training camp fair enough ,it's the Seahawks way. I have a feeling Seattle likes what Bryant brings, and year two is when good players elevate. The name Suh has been floated around for the interior of our D Line. He is still a good player, and if we are going places and he wants to play at the end of October like last year great. I have never heard that Seattle wanted Suh or he wanted to play for Seattle. I like the idea of a great run tackling off ball Linebacker. The Hawks must be worried about Jamal Adams health and how he will recover from this very unusual and difficult injury. I think Adams was going to play a lot inside the box with Neal and Diggs covering deep. I would be very disappointed if Seattle doesn't figure a way for Neal to return. We could have four good safeties for next year. I am still hopeful we get B Wags back, but like you say Ken, there may be one or two options that would probably be cheaper but still produce. I still haven't got my mind around how much money Seattle has for free agency, which includes still a few more of our own, including Neal and possibly Penny. I would also be okay bringing back Pocic to play center . By all accounts he had his best year as a pro last year. Finally, you hit the nail right on the head when you mentioned Seattle will be in the second tier of free agency. Pete almost said that exactly during his 20 minute interview on the radio,Tuesday. This is not a surprise, but it is noteworthy.

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I really really want us to Ioannidis, this time last year i was all about Nuwosu and this year it's Matt - which of course means we'll get him and he'll rack up a career best season ;)

Robert Woods or Mack Hollins as Vet WR help. Mack is severely underrated and would be a great addition to stretch the field alongside a rookie WR. Kaden Elliss is hovering around the fringes of my LB desires, although unsure if he'll be a huge upgrade over Barton but worth the shot. Azeez Al-Shaair and Germain Pratt are my other LB hopes (alongside the afformentioned David). If we're looking at Graham i'd also love a chat with Fletcher Cox for a DLine depth option with plenty of experience.

Bringing back Bobby, the more i think about it the more i am in favour, provided the price point is low. Not against calling up Shaq Griffin now either to boost the CB room.

We're getting very close now! I love this time of year! Roster building is so fascinating and intriguing. Love it!!!

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The two receivers you mentioned may be fits because they firstly block well, secondly they catch and run. Good idea, depending on price, I think Hollins will get $7 million or more, which wouldn't fit. I hope I am wrong.

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Part of me thinks we should overpay for Hollins (far more so than Woods even at a minimum), as he'd fill that blocking WR role, work as a WR3/4, and he won't break the bank even if we do overpay a bit. Would then also ease pressure on drafting a WR this year in a below average class (take another one in the 4th/5th rd and let them develop a year like Young has done). Add in Young in an expanded role and we'd have a nice, complimentary set of WRs & TEs pre-draft - thus making it even more likely we'd take Bijan #5!

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Love the Singleton call out. Exactly the type of free agent signing that Seattle has made in the past and makes sense for 2023.

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