May 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

I predict that in the future I'll still be a Seahawks fan

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Then you plan on being alive and coherent. Quite the bet.

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The funniest quote I heard after the Beast Quake was by the Saints DB. who got run over twice by Lynch. " This isn't going to look good in the film room tomorrow. " Duh

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May 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Not to be paranoid or narcissistic but I posted with mixed feelings on this subject just the other day so it feels like you are looking at me while you wrote that, and that's OK, I don't mind. I agree that a person should root to win, but one should also admit the truth as to those back of the mind thoughts that want to jump in. I cannot deny that if they go 2-15 and get a top two draft pick that I will shed a tear. I will accept it immediately and even embrace it. I will also embrace 8-9 or 15-2. I won't even bet against my team.

What you wrote brings up a highly relevant Chinese Zen proverb that goes (stop me if you have already heard this) My horse ran off and my neighbors all said "Oh, how unlucky!" but I shrugged my shoulders. Then my horse came back with a mate, and my neighbors all said, "How lucky you are." Then my son broke his leg training the new horse, and my neighbors all said, "How unlucky!" Then soldiers came to draft young men, but they left my son because he had a broken leg, and my neighbors said, "How lucky you are!" and I shrugged my shoulders....

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Not in reference to anyone but I guess you never know!

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May 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Tsin, Tsin Ming (Verses on the Faith-Mind)

"The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences.

Make the smallest distinction, however, and Heaven and Earth are set infinitely apart.

The Way is perfect, like vast space, where nothing is lacking and nothing is in excess."

(it continues) ...

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Great as always, Charley!

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May 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Dang, I follow the way, too. There are so many American sayings that are quite Daoist. Such as "If life gives you lemons, make lemon aide." And, "In every cloud there is a silver lining."

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May 14, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Super cool hypothesis and you’re about where I also think things will fall out.

If you want to give us some even more hypothetical fun, what would the trade be that would move us from 7 to get Will Levis (I’m guessing he goes at #4)

And from 7 to get Will Anderson Jr (#3)

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As I think you know, I've read a good bit of your stuff over the years, and have been a subscriber here since near the onset. I also think you know that, while I don't always agree with you (even though I don't comment all that much, really), I do show my appreciation for the obvious love, effort and time you put into this gig of yours. Good on you, for that.

What I'll say now, though, is that this is the best piece of writing I've seen in a good long while. And not just on the Seahawks, either, to be more blunt about it.

You make a mighty fine point, and you back it up with some seriously interesting background.

Really well done.


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I see a lot of predictions/hypothesis that assume that Seattle has gotten significantly worse, while Denver has gotten considerably better. I’m not convinced that is the case for both. Yes, Seattle is operating at a deficit at QB, but have beefed up the core. Denver has improved at QB, but gave up some decent players in the process. They’re also dealing with installing a new offense.

What we do know is, on paper, Denver has a much more difficult schedule this year, where teams in their division have added difference makers. They are also playing the NFCW, full of teams and coaches that have years of experience playing Russ. I don’t look at their schedule and believe that adding Russ gives them 3-4 extra wins, nor do I look at last year for SEA and think they can/will be worse offensively, given that the Run game was the only consistently good part of the offense in the final 7 games. I think both will be much closer to last year’s records than people think

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I have been a Vancouver Canucks fan since the beginning, as I am Seahawks fan from the start.

I have always wanted my teams to win every game they play.

In hockey kids are selected at 18 years and is less predictable than the NFL draft because of it. Knowing this I always cheer for the best outcome, because rarely does one player alone change a franchise if ever. The more swings you take in the top 100 of the NFL draft the better your chance.

When you look at our divisional rivals the Rams look to be the only sure thing, however 2 or 3 injuries to key players could flip that on its ear.

Cheer Russell Wilson on game one Sunday night, but when the whistle blows cheer for the team you love. Victoria Chris

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Predicting the future is like investing in bitcoin, right? A tenuous outlay with the hope for great return. Gambling, but in a different form. You can have fun, but the house always wins.

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Thank you for your writing, which I value. Thinking Fast and Slow is a wonderful book.

P Gamble

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there is also something more here at work " The Plight of the Underdog" here resides in all its own universe a reality of listening . learning and contagious determination . A place the Seahawks find themselves not pressured by over confidence or expectations. Its a Universe that Pete Carrol has power in and loud passionate fans know all to well...

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Best sports read in a long time!!! thanks Kenneth for bringing forth mind lunch to the thinking Fan

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I sure hope you are incorrect about the seahawks and Meyers. Meyers has had 2 good NFL seasons surrounded by mediocracy. Surely this is the year to bring in a good college prospect. The seahawks are going to need every point they can get this year

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Looking at our schedules (Hawks and the Bronc-ho's), it is clear Dange-Russ' new team - with new coaching at all levels - is in for a Tough schedule. 10 wins just is too much to expect them to attain. I have them maxed out at 9 wins and drafting in the mid teens.

Our schedule looks to produce a 8 win season...I figure the running game will allow for a surprise win as well so likely we will be drafting in the mid teens...I can deal with missing the playoffs and reaping in the kind of draft haul that two mid firsts and two mid seconds will net us...that'd be cool.

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