Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Patience is for rookies, players returning from injury, and backups tasked as a starter, not an eight year vet making $7 mil apy. Gabe is likely a nice guy and I'm happy for his financial success. Bench him. On the other hand, it's not like Lewis setting the world on fire. Haynes and Curhan should be the starting duo right now. If Gabe and Damien can EARN their spots back, great.

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Big dudes simply take longer when it comes to healing leg injuries. Damien now has a couple that are affecting him. Yes, the man needs the time to recover. As for Jackson, it is no biggie to pay a back up $7m...as long as he is playing like second-string, allow him a spot on the bench...good call!

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

4) Regarding 'having both criticism AND patience for everybody'. Here - here!

3) Seahawk team building - views on CB's like the rest of the league values RBs. Hmmm...nobody can refute this. Interesting take.

2) Game changing WR early in 2023! I FULLY agree. The likelihood of getting the 4th, 5 or 6th best QB in the next draft AND a Game wrecking Inside pass-rusher plus a Total play-maker WR would seriously Rock. However Interior Pass-rusher #1 and Elite WR #2, then QB #3 of our first four picks in rounds one and two. IF Rashaad Penny ends up Not being retain-able, then a Primo RB in the second round to replace him. Remember, Russ was Not elite when we won one and nearly another Superbowl. Plug an up and comer QB into a team loaded with devastating play-makers and game-wrecking defenders.

1) Clearly robust challenges for the newbie OL are going to make the rookies better more quickly by providing learning experiences. Easier opponents will also offer the benefit of gaining confidence. Every game offers us the joy of watching a team with many young investments moving in the right direction - win or lose, there remains upside...

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

It's even more damning on Geno's performance the fact that Tyler Lockett has most separation in the league. Any mediocre quarterback would be feasting with such wiggle room to throw.

I am still puzzled (as I mentioned to you on Twitter) at the discrepancy between stats and eye test for Geno. He leads the league not only in completion percentage (which doesn't mean much) but also in CPOE, which means he is able to hit throws that an average *starter* quarterback would miss.

Does he make hard throws that don't help the team? That would be the only explanation. Does he only throw when he's 100% confident, taking a sack or a throw that moves the team backwards when that's not the case? I don't have an answer.


That Jackson outing was bad, but everyone is allowed to have a bad day or a slump of a few games. It's not like he's consistently ceding lots of pressures. I think we would be better starting Curhan, for that's the homegrown talent that we may want to keep for long. But I understand that Jake can be plugged into both at RT and RG in an emergency, and that makes him very valuable in the bench (though he was a healthy scratch yesterday).


Pete still is a CB whisperer. If I were a defensive back forecasted to a middle round, I'd pray to be drafted by him. He makes guys who were afterthoughts in the mind of everyone else into millionaires. Just look at the contracts that Griffin and Reed signed.


Waldron. Isn't him to blame? We were having lots of 3&outs last year with Russ, which is a much better quarterback than half the starters. The difference is that he would throw a magnificent moonball to Metcalf on a go route where he outsped his coverage, or on a very precise spot that only Lockett would catch, or to a wide open jag like Swain, Moore, or Richardson.

As much as I hated the run run pray and pass of Bevell and Schottenheimer, we at least got a few drives going. Sometimes Prosise, or Michael, or Rawls, Carson, Davis would get an opening and do something great. It was ugly and frustrating most of the time, but Shaneball is frustrating 100% of the time. And it was already like that with Russ.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

The OL was poor to fair in the pass game. (SF DL is tough!) But they were a fail up the middle in the run game. Without study, I don’t know if that’s due to individual issues, or a lack of coordination. I hope it’s the latter. That can be fixed!

Regarding WR, please draft the next Megatron high and the next Steve Smith, I mean Doug Baldwin, low.

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Most frustrating thing for me about Gabe Jackson is that we moved Damien Lewis to LG for him. IMO (and I know I wasn't alone here) Lewis looked like a cornerstone blocker his rookie year. There were issues in the pass game every now and then, but man he moved a pile well. And then for some stupid reason, we moved him to LG for his sophomore season, despite the fact he'd never played the position before. Since then, Lewis hasn't been the same, and Jackson has been waaaay worse than Lewis was at RG. No ill will towards Jackson, but that move has screwed the line up more than it's helped.

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"But it would be better to be more consistent with having both criticism AND patience for everybody, not just the quarterback." ~ Gabe Jackson approves of this mesage.

Balance in all things.

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I think the Jackson experience has been a bit of a failure. He's a pass pro guy much more than a run blocker, and he's been bad at pass pro so far this year. I'd bench him.

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