Aug 7, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

One thing that concerns me is the lack of Seahawks canopic jars

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Sounds like you're having a visceral reaction...

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I had the guts to go there!

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It just took me a while to digest it.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

Shallots and derring-do! Are the Seahawks creating a "new" position with Witherspoon? Basically asking him to do things outside the purview of a NCB?

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

I still think Cade Johnson, a great guy to spend a day at the beach with, is the best of the other guys at WR and will make the roster. My hunch is that he might not be as good on special teams as Bobo and Thompson, but that he's the most ready/versatile to fill in for Eskridge at WR#4 or in case of an injury to one of our top three.

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He was certainly favored in 2022. You may be right!

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

With 3 TE's on the roster, is there really any such thing as WR4?

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

I think so. Not a high volume position to be sure, but it's still in the playbook. More importantly, I think you want the first guy off the bench to be your next best WR and not just a special teams contributor (though he does that too). Maybe Cade isn't that guy, but he's my pick.

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Aug 7, 2023·edited Aug 7, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

I like you got Jake on the 53.

Good to see you are helping out some people.

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He's got a shot at being that versatile WR/FB/TE/STer

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

Bryan Walters?!

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

I'm not rooting any player to be cut... ok that's a lie... And it's not Bellore! I accept Petes ride or die for Nicky, just as I will blame him for every single missed play we make. But if Eskridge were to be cut i'd have zero bad feelings. Don't feel bad sticking my neck out to say that someone like him being cut won't overall negatively impact the team, but we might we see the opposite. But if Pete sides with him as a third ride or die (after Nicky & Adams, but at least Adams gets the protection of being potentially a special player who's just injury unlucky - and not whatever Nick is or a horrible person) then I get another target to blame everything on.

I hope Morris makes it! I'd certainly give him a shot over Jones or Smith (or the aforementioned Bellore or Eskridge). He won't make it through waivers to the practice team, unlike Jones or Smith who have good chances of slipping through the cracks. Same with Reed II, also because i'm sold on the 3-2-1-6 Palm Tree Defence.

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Wait...is that a variant of the Face Palm Defense? Which is, as I'm sure you know, itself a variant of the Face Plant Defense.

I've always been very proficient in both of those.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels perhaps there will never be a game seven for Dee Dee Eskridge.

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Hard to imagine why the Seahawks would have had Eskridge in the gameplan for the last six months, got him time with Geno in the offseason, put him in a ton of first team reps in training camp, and played him in the mock game if they were just going to cut him. They've known he's going to be suspended since February, they just didn't know how long.

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I used to say that the preseason didn't matter very much, but this is definitely where we're going to get our best clues on that defensive depth.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

I like the rationale provided by Seaside Joe, a very good friend of mine*, with this roster projection.

* Not a friend. But I read his newsletter.

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Everyone who is subscribed is LITERALLY my best friend.

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I paid, but can’t access the bonus material so I guess I’m not your friend. Ffhayes

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I sent you a direct email last week and gave you information of who to contact if you are in fact having any issues. On my end, everything about your account is normal. support@substack.zendesk.com. Thanks!

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

Actually you are a friend, just like I consider some of my favorite books to be friends. I hit Field Gulls about the time you started there. And I had similar thoughts on your writing then as now...like “damn, I hadn’t thought of THAT.”

Keep it up my friend.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

Thanks Ken! Always good to have best friends.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

There has to be a question mark or two surrounding Young's "sports hernia". If not Young maybe one of the UDFA TEs makes it onto the initial roster?

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I've got question marks for sure. Hernia's nothing to mess with.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

Slow down, Ken! I've still 11,432 crystal ball pieces to glue in!

(I put on some Mangione to speed things up, but it isn't helping very much.)

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He's living in the Mega-Lo Mart in Arlen

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Had to google Mangione. Got a recommendation?

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

Oh Ken, how have you missed Chuckie? You were clearly not on this Earth in the '70s.

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I almost came out in '74 but the seventies said, "No, we're not ready for you, you're gonna be too big for this decade" so I waited to be born until '82.

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I was waiting for you to weigh in. Or, perhaps, weighting for you to wait in.

Also, stop picking on kids.

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Kids these days, don't get tme started lol.

It is interesting actually the music/musicians who get "remembered" and those that fade over time. Instrumentalists like Mangione don't "stick" like songwritier/vocalists do, unless they have (had) some connection to film/tv.

Its kinda like LTs vs QBs.

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BTW, I googled Frim Fram sauce and Chafafa. Google said that Frim Fram sauce was a made up, nonsense term for the 1944 recording by the King Cole Trio. Diana Krall, who also recorded the song, said that Chafafa was all about sex. Just wanted to bring you up to date.

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Dude plays the flügelhorn. Who's going to remember?

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I do.

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True, true, but he started out playing trumpet and was with Art Blakey's ensemble at one point. The Flugelhorn thing was (I think) trying to stand out in a crowd, and it worked to a point.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

Try https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDSBV0vTfTo

Although not his first release, this is where I started (late 1978 or very early 1979). The link is to the album (long) version with the entire intro & retrospective. Most internet links pick up around 1:45 and skip the ending.

I still have the licorice pizza...somewhere...

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I knew I loved this song, I just didn't know who's song it was!

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

I'm still hoping, wishing, projecting (?) an old favorite of mine in BBK.

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I love to hear endorsements of players who should make it. A BBK comeback story would be a great one to write.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

I know the absence of impressions doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but three names I’ve heard nothing about: Love, Reed and Anthony Bradford. Maybe after Vikings’ game?

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Something that I need to remember when I write reports, and something I could do a better job of emphasizing, is that we really don't hear *that much* about anybody. Fans see what they get to see on certain days, media gets to report what they're allowed to report. So I have to constantly remind myself that just because I'm not hearing about a player, it may not mean anything. In some cases, it could even be a good sign.

The reason that I am "worried" about Mike Morris is only because Pete Carroll was put in the position of having to give an honest diagnosis of where he's at, and it seemed he was like, "Well, how do I prepare the outside world that Mike Morris may not have a role on the team?" Just my take.

Anthony Bradford was locked into a backup job from the start, so that could explain that. I think the team just wants Phil Haynes out there, but Bradford's that guy who could take over in 2024. Not uncommon to see an OL need 2-3 years to get acclimated.

Julian Love, I am just basically going off of all the praise about versatility, leadership, work ethic, and his contract terms. He's gonna play. Maybe it's just hard to really understand what his role is going to be because of Adams.

Jerrick Reed is the one case where I'm like, I don't want to say anything about him because I for sure haven't heard a single peep about him. Not his position, not his role, not his progress. Nothing. We may see a lot of him in the preseason and then we'll maybe have something to talk about.

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