Apr 21, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Kenneth -

tell Joe:

< really project > " ** yer AWE-some ** "

Thank YOU for the analysis, strategy, supreme effort - with humor mixed in - No wonder Clark loves you, you've become the person he saw from the first moment!

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Apr 21, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

It seems like they've got some guys, especially at DE, that they're keeping close tabs on for a post-draft deal. Makes me think that there is someone they want to draft, but don't have the right pick locked up for it yet and need to have a backup plan if things don't fall their way. Maybe they do have the right pick, but you just never know with the draft, so always have plan B ready.

They like Neal. Blair just can't stay on the field and may not be around much longer. Maybe he is a great player, but we can't count on that. There is definitely a need for another young prospect at safety who doesn't need to see the field right away.

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I have a complete mental block about Ryan Neal. I can't explain it.

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Maybe you're prejudiced against guys with two first names.

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Apr 20, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Sauce Gardner would be a fantastic choice. We would chose in the top ten for the first time in over a decade. That last time they chose a DB/safety Earl Thomas, who I was sure would be a hall of Famer, I am more hoping than certain now. Sauce Gardner looks like the same type of pick. Thinking way down the road, he could revert to safety late in his career because of his size. I am crossing my fingers we get a shot at Sauce and take him.

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Apr 20, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

My latest love affair is with Devonte Wyatt who is miles and miles better than Green, no offense to Green. My other love affair is with Penning, but the only possible way to do that is with at least on trade down, most likely with Philly. They get 9 + 40, and we get 15 + 18 + 83, which should be close, but drop the 83 if that makes you happier. I can get Wyatt at 15, but Penning disappears so I take Raiman instead. Then at 41 Howell is still there. I'd be really happy with that, but Cole Strange is about the same athlete as Raiman and you can get him in the late 3rd. Maybe if I had taken Penning at 15 I can still get Wyatt at 18? Probably.

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Yeh, I think Penning is a monster but he's definitely gone by 16. I'm warming to Raimann because he's not close to his ceiling and he's very coachable. Wyatt is good but I don't think he's special. I could be wrong and he's the next Michael Bennett but I like Travis Jones, Perrion Winfrey, and Sam Williams. I think both Jones and Winfrey will be adept at collapsing the pocket from the middle while Sam Williams would be a steal in the third round.

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No offense, but we.already have 2 pro bowl safeties plus Marquis Blair , who before injuries, looked like the 2nd coming of Cam Bam Chancellor.

Unless Carrol is hyping Lock and Smith (playing cover thy ass) I don't see a Qb worth a 1st round pick. 2nd or 3rd round maybe .

Trading down for a late 1. ( Davis) and more 2nds and 3rds is the strength of this draft, plus not paying 1st round money for questionable talent helps keep tthem under the cap. Either way this will be a very interesting draft !

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Apr 20, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Ps I think Ryan Neal is a heck of a ball player. Do the Seahawks feel the same way ????

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Draft thoughts:

1. Trading down will be more difficult this year due to the pear shape of the draft. Other teams aren't stupid and we're not the only team interested in trading down. If we do trade down we aren't likely to get the premium value you might get in next year's draft. It's the QB effect.

2. When evaluating draft prospects for Pete/John, ignore the scout's weaknesses paragraph. Pete/John look for special talents and belive they can coach up or cover up the holes.

-Khalil Shakir has special body control and hands.

-Trevor Penning has an unnatural combination of athleticism and nasty for his size.

-Benard Raimann is supremely athletic and has a lot of room to add skill. Very coachable.

-Sam Williams has twitch and bend at 260lbs.

-Cam Taylor-Britt at 4.38, 3 year team captain, good ball skills had a Hawks visit.

-Kenneth Walker III out tested the other RBs in every category and had college production.

3. In the "other teams aren't stupid" category is the value of 2023 first round picks. Normally, when a pick for next year's draft is traded it's at a one-round discount. A first is worth a second, second worth a third, etc. In 2023 there will be six first-round QBs and plenty of suitors, likely including your Seattle Seahawks. Don't expect teams to be throwing discounted 2023 first round picks at us in a trade down this year.

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