Here's a cool little article about Holton Ahlers. He basically put together his own, self-taught QB training stuff from Instagram and YouTube when he was younger because he didn't have access to the high-level trainers some kids do. Definitely exudes the love of football Pete and John are looking for and now I'm intrigued if Greg Olson can unlock anything in him.


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May 1, 2023·edited May 1, 2023

Great draft coverage Ken. This should really be an interesting group (including UDFA). Pete said in the post interview this is going to be a very competitive training camp. Those kind of camps were common in 2012-13 season. I was at camp in 13 and this feels like it has that same special air about it. Think I'll go this year too. 2023 should be a memorable squad. According to PC, "This feels like a continuation of the 2022 draft." Top to bottom lots of new talent.

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Thank YOU for the best draft coverage anywhere!!

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Kenneth, thank you. Your insights since the season came to a close has made the process of watching what the Seahawks have done leading up to and in the draft both more accessible and enjoyable. I particularly like that you don’t take a particularly strong position of what the Seahawks should do. Your quest to try to understand what the Seahawks are doing based on the publicly available information and thereby gain insight into what they will do is rather unusual in sports journalism.

Of the draft I will say this, there used to to the idea that there was a Seahawk type of player defined by size /speed /draft round. If that was ever true, it isn’t anymore. A Seahawk player is something different. But there is definitely a Seahawk player and one knows him when you sees him. That kind of insight let pick Witherspoon and it made a believer out of me. I appreciate your work.

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It seems to me they have been too open about their draft plan, and give away more than most teams. They were clearly looking for leader types of players who not only love football, but are grateful for the opportunity and embrace the competition. As Pete said, all of these guys are competitive or they wouldn't have gotten this far, but they are looking for guys that have that hunger to prove they are good and welcome coaching because they want to be the best.

Personally, I'm not sure that is an admirable trait in a human, but it produces great football players (as well as great writers, scientist, philosophers (but not mystics), policemen, painters, and artists of all kinds). If it's all about ego, that seems to become a problem sometimes, but they seem to be able to separate the crazies and unpleasant to be around personalities. Mostly. But I think they have embraced being choosy. John talked about how players have to earn their way onto their board. Apparently, they literally remove players for being just sort of normal. And any medical issue seems to get them removed or downgraded significantly.

They are up front and open about taking Best Player Available, and work to remove subjectivity and any inclination to favor positions of need.

SSJ and many of us here knew they were at least still considering Carter when he came for a visit, but he may have needed to knock his interview out of the park, and I'm not sure he was all that interested in Seattle, either. He had apparently had talks with Philly promising he was their choice if he fell that far, and then he did. He has many former teammates from Georgia on Philly and they drafted even more, and I think he was looking forward to going to Philly and that likely came through as a lack of enthusiasm for Seattle. They may have been willing to stretch their limits when it comes to character for enough talent, but Carter stretched it too far. To far for Detroit, Las Vegas and others. Personally, I hope he gets his act together. He's fun to watch.

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Pete has definitely brought a proud and ambitious culture to the Seahawks. It becomes more clear with every season.

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Just wondering. Boykin UDFA pickup so they caN get early head started on Grayson research?? :-)

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Mark my words, other teams will be signing our castoffs this year. As much as I like a lot of our players last year, I think many of them will have to ball out to keep their jobs. Dee Eskridge is likely the most obvious, but most of the special teams players who I loved are also gonna face stiff competition from this group. That safety they drafted late might take the NCB spot and free up Witherspoon to play LCB and that would mean we are nearly bulletproof against the pass. I wouldn't be surprised if the safety from Montana State isn't in the mix. His bona fide's are significant and compare favorably with any free safety in this class. He and the LBer who from the same school got an invite, too, and between the two of them they beat a U of W team. Cleanly beat their pants off. That enough from me, but I am thrilled with not just the draft, but the quality of UDFA's as well.

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I like everything the 'Hawks have done so far, but they haven't seemed to do anything to shore up the middle of the D-Line, anything pro-active about the TE position, and not enough about about the Safety position. The O-Line seems improved, the run and passing games shouldn't be a problem, but I worry about the defense. We've got more outside linebackers than we know what to do with but none of them are particularly good, no problems at the corners, and we're all crossing our fingers the safeties stay healthy. Oh, and we need a long snapper but I'm pretty sure we can find one of those.

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Joe, Ihave so thoroughly enjoyed reading your daily thinkings… every day I look forward to your insights and humor!!! As a bartender I rave about you to every patron that’s a Hawks fan. Thanks for leaving your ego at the door and sharing your insights with us diehard 12’s. Last year I bought my first full season tickets cause I believed in the Hawks and believed in Geno in particular and was excited(after some honest tears at Russels departure) for a chance to again build something special in Seattle. I was just offered the same season tickets for this year and can’t wait to go to the games🤣🤣.

Looking forward to the ongoing Seahawks rejuvenation(not rebuilding!)journey and especially your thoughts and daily musings.

Rest up man, you deserve it 👏👏👏

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Before I even read past the first few paragraphs I want to give some advise from an old fisherman. Commercial fisherman, as a rule, fish seven days a week as many hours per day as they can stand. And that is up to 20 hours per day. Everyone has their limit, and as a rule we find out what that limit is and then we push the envelope.

It took me a few years to self teach myself a work ethic and to then learn what my limit was. I couldn't push past 18 hours per day without falling asleep and putting myself and anyone fishing with me in danger, so I scaled back after I became wise enough to know when enough is enough. That wasn't until my late forties. Most fishermen never learn this lesson at all, but I pay attention and enough boats had gone on the rocks after the boats captain fell asleep at the wheel, that I slowly learned to take some time off before I damaged something or someone.

I had a friend who was a Seventh Day Adventist, who take their day off on the Sabbath religiously. We were pretty close so I saw him often and I noticed that day off seemed to pay off for him. He came back more refreshed and healthy. Eventually I began taking more and more time off. I threw my alarm clock away and began getting up when I had had enough sleep.

To my amazement, I actually started catching more fish. When I was fishing I was more creative and focused on what I was doing and that paid off with higher catch rates. I've given you a few nudges to take some time off, though I am somewhat reluctant to ask to hard on that because I know some very successful writers have made daily writing a habit to their benefit. Jack London and Earnest Hemmingway are the two that come to mind.

However, I wanted to share this advise to you. Get your sleep and don't work too hard. It will only slow you down.

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Great story and advice. We don’t want Kenneth to overdo it and burn out.

Kenneth: hopefully you’re still taking the time to meditate and spend time with your partner (sorry, I’ve forgotten her name) and Clark. Are you still doing Yoga?

I’ve just started watching that Chris Hemsworth series on Disney+. There’s some great advice and ideas there if you’re interested. I’ve started the morning fasting myself to see how it goes.

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Seaside Jay. He has his non-negotiables remember. 😁 She’s definitely his priority.

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Double Rec / Like on this one.

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Apr 30, 2023·edited Apr 30, 2023

A few more per Twitter.

Demetris Harris OL

caleb warren TE

Josh Lugg OL

Bo Bauer LB

Shaun Shivers RB

Robert Barnes LB

Joshua Mote OL

Mini-camp is going to be 11 v 11.

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Waived Easop Winston then resigned him. Going to be lots of competition for Dee.

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Is height in a safety that big a deal? At 5'9" and nearly 200 lbs he seems like he's well put together, he's nearly 15 lbs heavier than Witherspoon. I had a roommate in college (WSU) who was 5'8" but played on the tennis team and could dunk with both hands. With that in mind I would value athleticism over height any day of the week.

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🚨UPDATE: San Diego defensive back Hunter Nichols received a rookie minicamp invite with the Seattle #Seahawks , source says.

Per Twitter.

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Apr 30, 2023·edited Apr 30, 2023

Add Penn State safety/linebacker Jonathan Sutherland to mini-camp invites. Or maybe they are UDFAs signings.


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