
Going to be a wrecking crew with Dre'Mont, Jarran and Jalen in the middle!!

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you've got to see this as a continuation of the Denver Broncos Russel Wilson fleecing. Would Denver have let this young stud walk in Free Agency without the albatross QB contract?

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1) We got ourselves a BAMF in Jones, who I anticipate will be able to step up his game with the pieces they will be bringing in...

2) As for elsewhere - Eric Kendricks' 2yr $13.25M deal with the Chargers opens the door for Bobby Wagner at around 2yr $14-15M range (maybe 3yr, $22M)...are we good with that? Sure - I like it...especially with a $5M first year cap - that-thar'd be Schweet.

3) I still like Mazi Smith for a BIG mobile Big-10 DT/NT in the late 2nd-3rd-round. That too will be a Big score!

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The team is up for sale in 2024. PC and JS jobs are on the line with new ownership. Wonder if that had something to do with them bucking the trends.

If it doesnt work out, they wont be around to clean up the cap mess.

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May as well be Bold...

As for the upcoming sale (as per the Paul Allen estate's terminology) I believe it had to be sold within 7-10 years of his death and proceeds to philanthropic endeavors - the team and its physical properties have significant tax ramifications that truly prohibits any sale before the end of 2024.

I listened to someone who is very familiar with commercial real estate (high-end commercial real estate was Brock Huard's post football/pre-media career) and he was quite certain - his dialog lined up with my experience as a commercial lender.

Any rumored sale prior to getting beyond the monster tax penalty time-frame passing should not be considered authentic.

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I must have misunderstood that than. So you're saying this will happen in 2025 or thereafter?

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How the Seahawks rebuild the linebackers is also going to be interesting. Barton joined the Moonies so he is not part of the plan. Is Bwaggs part of the short term plan? Dallas is also interested in DWaggs, but word here in Dallas is they are looking to get him cheap and so Dallas is not necessarily going to bid Seattle out of the market. If Dallas cannot get Bwaggs for the price they want word is they will look to resign Vander Esch, or it might be vice versa and Dallas iwill look to sign Bwaggs if they cannot get Vander Esch for reasonable price. Vander Esch improved last year so it is hard to tell. Bottom line the Seahawks need linebackers as much as they need defensive linemen, and there are a lot fewer top rated linebackers in the draft than there are defensive linemen. The plot thickens.

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Yes! PC/JS continuing the changes to approach and team build they began last off-season! Let's go!!!

I like Jones, seems like a good fit for the 3-4 but he'll need some help improving his run stop a bit. Contract also seems unique, with a front loaded '23 Cap hit from what i've read online. Hedging that if he balls out, then '24 & '25 he's good value but if he flops it'll be easy to move on in a years time.

Leads to be believe JS is working hard to push the 2024 Superbowl focus vs Pete's "lets win now" mentality, ending up with a nice middle ground thus far of a team that could reach the playoffs again and have flexibility to press ahead. Doesn't change the draft approach, because there's still at least 4 DLine spots that need filling/refreshing. But it's a great start.

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Looks like Jamal big bro.

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Totally! I was thinking he looked really familiar and it didn't click until I read your comment.

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I don’t like this move. Sure Jones applies pressure in the middle, but the knock on him is he doesn’t consistently hold up against the run. I haven’t watched tape, but at 35 mill over 2 years and our run stopping troubles, there should be no question about the players run stopping NOR pass rushing ability. This seems like uncharacteristic panic to me. A big splash move without the big name that also comes with question, including injury history.

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Interior pass rushing ability is right after QB when it comes to rarity. Take it when you can get it. Anyway, it’s too soon to assess the plan for the run defense.

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We can get as much of it as we want if we sacrifice the rest of the team to do it. I like the player, I think he'll do pretty well. But I also think we're sacrificing too much for him. The team will be worse off with this move than with adding a run stuffer at half the price.

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It’s much too soon to judge.

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We'll never really be able to judge, that wouod require comparing the team we would have been without acquiring Jones to this team. Even if we win a SB, perhaps we still would've been a better team without acquiring Jones (although in that case nobody would complain). My point is valid no matter how this team does. It's also valid to disagree with it.

At the very least, it goes against how Pete and John have built success in the past. And unless we get 2 real solid run stuffers and decent LB play, teams won't have to pass. E.g., SF playoff loss.

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Yes, decent LB play. LBs are the team leaders in tackles. Do you want them making tackles 5 yards from the LOS or 2 yards? We want LBs who are smart with good reaction time. That can be measured by yards given up per tackle on both running and passing plays. PFF provides those numbers for college players in their draft guide. The numbers are not available for all the players yet but so far the top 3 are Cam Jones, Ivan Pace and Dorian Williams.

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Other thoughts- the post franchise QB Seahawks are behaving differently than they did during the franchise QB era. How Seattle behaved in 2010 to 2011 - signing Chris Cleamons and Sidney Rice etc may be a better guide.

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So I guessed that Jones real important number would be $35 million over 2 years. Per Rapoport, Jones gets $35.02 million over first two years.

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Any news on the 23 cap number?

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I haven’t seen that and I’m just working off my phone without any data right now but I won’t be surprised to see it come out around $9 million for year one and $21 million for year two and year three.

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If the 'Hawks can go with 21M for year two why couldn't they go with 21M for year three? This sounds like either a one or three year deal.

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Because these contracts aren’t fully guaranteed and usually there aren’t cap savings in year two and there are major cap savings in year three. So, if the player is really good, extend him. If the player isn’t elite, teams cut or trade.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

Without any data?! KHAAAAAAAN-neth Arthur!

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

"This is just an unusually high price to pay for Pete and John. They don’t tend to do this. They also haven’t had a good defense in a long time, so maybe they should have done this."

Truer words have not been written.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

Considering most of the DL is going to be up for grabs, I do kinda worry that they'll end up with Jones, a couple low-level vets, and some rookies next year and Jones' potential production will be snuffed out by simply being the only player opposing OLs have to double team. The McDowell and Collier picks continue to haunt this roster.

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Depends at least in part on the rookies. I'm all in for Mazi Smith in the draft. And Greg Gaines as another, much lower cost free agent DT....

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I don't think it'll be too bad, I think when he's inside it will help our outside guys get home. Nwosu is Nwosu, Taylor was a tale of two halves and hopefully Mafe makes a jump forward in year two. I think they still go for a talented DT in the first two rounds and maybe sign a cheap stopgap in the interim or stick with Jefferson.

I do hope they draft a NT at some point to rotate with Woods, if he isn't cut, for some on-the-job training while helping keep Woods from getting gassed.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

What does this tell us about the draft? My thought is that Seahawks took a significant step to not being forced into a pick early in the draft for an interior defensive lineman. Hmm

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I am sensing Will Anderson at 5...

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

Or that they want someone on the interior and this guy could help them be even better. We shall see

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Love it. If the Seahawks can sign/draft/coach up a decent DL the secondary is going to SHINE BABY SHINE.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

One great player is better than 3 mediocre players. Well done, John S. Add two or three rookies and bring back Mone or Jefferson. We have an improved DL. We'll see how it translates, but this sounds like a good long term player.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

I mean, WOW. Last time we had this activity early on was 2013. We went after Bennett and the next day, Avril. The NASCAR package tandem. It just seems so un-Pete to be so aggressive. Maybe I should pull a few needles out of my PC voodoo doll...

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No keep putting the needles in. They are working. Why stop now?

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

And put gum in its mouth

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