Sep 2, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Watching Grayson is healing (unless you're on Defense). ... but is it Fair?! Grayson makes it look like Coastal Carolina is playing with 12 players while the Defense only has 10 (1 must be in the penalty box). Heal up KenJoe, Team Seaside needs You.

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Florio's bit on Lock is interesting but if you keep watching, lordy I had no idea about Kliff Kingsbury's record in the back half of seasons going back to college! That is a very concerning trend if you are a Cardinals fan.

Camera be damned I loved Sherm's podcast. This is a guy who knows Pete better than just about anyone, and he is thinking that Pete will find a way to get to .500. He also seems to think Denver is maybe the 3rd best team, with Wilson, in the AFC West so we'll see. If I had to bet I would also take the Chargers this year.

Love our tackles and the potential to have a dominant OL, even if the early games show a bit of a struggle. Fant will take off this year too, maybe not until Drew starts throwing to him.

These are the first extended highlights I have seen of this McCall fellow you are so high on, Ken. The level of competition though... might have to wait until the Senior bowl to get excited for him.

Get lots of rest and hope you are feeling better, soon!

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

I especially love that Sherm said he goes to the current team to build up the rookie CBs.

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

I think he is particularly interested in helping Tariq Woolen. It is great to see--the 'bad blood' supposedly between him and Pete was clearly exaggerated.

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Feel better asap !!

I watched the Lucas tape and he seems as solid as what I could see from TV. It may even show up this year that Seattle has the makings of a very good O line

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Feel better, Kenneth! I tested for Covid myself yesterday, right about the time I'd convinced myself that maybe I'm immune. So much for that theory. At any rate, we appreciate you keeping some content coming. I for one can never get enough McCall highlights, and as a bonus, my brain is so foggy I barely remember that I've already seen most of them!

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

well, if you lose your sense of taste maybe it'll make it easier watching Geno?

I don't see the special many of you are seeing on McCall.

I'm sure it's good to have them in thought going into the season, but it's kind of strange how the media almost seems to drive who is popular or not.

We'll see.

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Get better soon Kenneth!

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

I'm not drinking the McCall Kool-Aid yet, but I do have a pitcher cooling in the frig. Also, I make it a point not to pay attention to Florio.

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Am I wrong in thinking thinking the McCall's throwing motion is similar to Philip Rivers'?

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Get better soon.

Lucas is a prime example of teams listening to the " Talking Heads " instead of studying film. " He was drafted too high because he played in Mike Leach's Air Raid offense and didn't do much run blockig."

How these so called draft experts keep their jobs is beyond me.

I remember DK Metcalf being drafted too high because he didn't run the route tree. They forgot that you can't teach 6'4 , 235 lbs, 2% body fat and a 4:3 forty.

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Wishing you a speedy recovery, Kenneth. Enjoyed today's post and the links. Thanks.

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Hope you feel better soon & thanks for the content!

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Seaside Joe

Ken: Get better. We need you.

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Get well Joe!

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Must say that I enjoyed watching Oregon getting taken apart by Georgia today. Wow!

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