
I'd say it has a lot more to do with money than like. Harris was due to make about $9 mil. this year. Being cut stings & taking a job from $9 mil to veteran minimum is a tough pill for these guys to swallow as it probably also entails going from starting to a back up/role player. (both are ego bruising).

Edwards, on the other hand, has been bouncing around at minimums since his rookie deal expired. Do they like Edwards more than Harris? Its hard to say but I doubt it. They definitely like his salary better though. The real comparison is starter to starter. Do they like Dre & Jarran better than Shelby? Obviously yes.

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I don’t get the angst I read/hear about losing Ford, Harris, and Woods. None of the contributed to the pass rush but they were big parts of a bad running defense. All three are replacement-level players. At worst, they’ll be replaced.

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To further support your observation, Al Woods was drafted in the 4th round (now on his 6th stop). Quinton Jefferson was a 5th round pick (now at 6 NFL stops). Both are older and were mid-level defenders with virtually no pass rush chops.

Poona Ford was an UDFA whose lack of length makes his position is as specific as any player in the NFL - Too small for NT, too short for 5-tech, he is a mid-level 3-tech in a 4-3 front Only so he no longer was a fit here.

Shelby Harris has yet to be signed by his 4th team even though every team has had the opportunity to for the last couple months. I liked these guys but there is no reason to have issues because they are not here in 2023. Truth be told - in each case, the team is upgrading. Isn't that a good thing?

Each of these were the kind of replaceable players that any fan should be able to see. Clearly, the Experts here within the Seahawks organization felt that way. As far as I am concerned, we have the leadership here that is worthy of trusting their 'why' as far as things go.

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As always on signings, give me contract details! (Not you Kenneth, I know you would if they were out there) Based on Edwards contract history i'd be stunned, STUNNED, if he was on for more than $1mil cap hit [maybe $1.5mil]. This would slot him in somewhere between Bryant & Eskridge, and honestly would be an ok 1-yr deal on a player that should fit into the 3-4 fairly well. Ideally that contract is much close to the 870k of Myles Adams and he bumps the likes of Tyreke smith off the cap count to not really change the figures. Would this be cheaper than bringing back Harris? Definitely, but I easily see many ways to also bring back Harris that are very manageable for the 'Hawks.

Certainly this doesn't seem like move related to the Lockett restructure. Edwards is not that good and not worth that amount of money. Instead it's more bulking the 3-4 personnel and providing more players to test out in Camp - which is fine and smart.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

DT's group got a smidgen thicker. Welcome to the team, Mario.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

Maybe this was a little about dollars also? But I can see why they would go this route.

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If Harris signs a larger contract, for sure, but that seems a little more unlikely at this point.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Seaside Joe

Trust in PCJS. I really loved Harris’ fire in that interview.

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