Jan 25Liked by Seaside Joe

Really good discussion! Dan’s introduction of you and the SSJ newsletter was on point!! Very nice!!

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Jan 25Liked by Seaside Joe

We're very fortunate to have our perceived "top guys" still available, but I hope our guy is able to fill out the assistant coaching positions as many seem to be taking new jobs already.

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If it turns out to be Kafka... and after nailing Witherspoon as Seattle's first draft pick last year... you will have to rename the blog.

Seaside Joestradamus!

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Not Kafka~!

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Re Johnson and MacDonald: Either they are not in as great a demand as we think* or Atlanta and Carolina assume that they are are out of the running for either coach. If the latter, Johnson goes to the Moons, leaving Seattle with a choice of Kafka, MacDonald, or Vrabel. If Seattle was going to hire Vrabel, wouldn’t they have already?

* Or, one is in demand and the other isn’t. But rumors in these parts (Virginia) persist that Johnson is going to Washington.

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The longer the wait, the more I see Ben getting the nod. Nobody will interfere with the Lion's run for a ring, if Johnson is their choice. All the current inquiries will be misdirection. You can expect more on-line guest appearances, Ken. I like Viens and you guys did well. Join Toastmasters, Buddy, especially if your Kafka call is correct. Let's not forget it is you who sold me on Ben Johnson, either, so there is that Call. One more pick from the weeds and you'll become a superstar. We'll lose you to the Bright Lights.

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I keep having this sneaking suspicion that there may be a double hire from the lot that JS is interviewing. I would be be surprised by a young hot shot paired with a seasoned vet, kinda like the McVey story but this time John is the architect. But I know there are contracts involved to which I understand less about than quantum physics, which is nothing. Seeing those names come off the board today has me enthralled!

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Johnson as HC, Macdonald as "Associate HC, Defense", technically a promotion.

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Make it so.

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Wouldn’t it be something? Wild speculation sure is fun!

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Yikes! That is outrageous reasoning but it kind of fits our GM. Some may say JS can also be seen as boring at times. If so, is Wink your top option as DC? Stealing leadership from the lowly NYG, crazy.

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Again I like the Idea of Hiring an Offensive guy so they /we don't have to worry about him leaving after 2 or 3 years over and over- BUT if I'm hiring, My first choice is Mike McDonald from Baltimore and second choice is Dan Quinn- Now that is based without an interview or Knowing a Whole lot on McDonald as far as a Leader of men ,etc. etc.- basically can he be a Head coach??? But that guy knows the D and according to Many is a great adjuster and tactician while the current game is going on- We have not had that on this team since Dan Quinn left!!!!!

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I wan't an OC to be the head coach because thats who should be calling the plays, and I wan't the next generational talent at DC beause, as has been pointed out, that's where a great coach will make the most difference. I'm not sure we can do that, might have to make hard choices, but that's what I want.

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Well, I got the coaching draft pick wrong. You presented a lot of info about MK that I didn't know about. Mahomes thinks very highly of him. I have to agree, MK has the championship experience and would be a fresh exciting hire. Great interview and I'm on board.

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Ben, can we call him Benny? Johnson? Everyone, and I mean absolutely EVERYONE knows someone named Johnson. Personally, one of my closest friends is named Johnson, and I've never kidded around about his name because I don't play "the name game" as another friend has called it, but you can bet people WILL play the name game and it will be kind of fun, if not infantile, referring to HIS Johnson. Someone did a comic routine about "you can call me Johnson, or you can call me...." I forget how it goes but it gets sexual and that is always fun. So I am rooting for Benny Johnson to become our coach. Let's get that Johnson!

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Brace for impact...incoming non sequitar: Why do folks call the Washington team the "Moons"?

And yes, I do live in a cave.

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Basically, it comes down to he likes the name the moons and doesn't like the name Commanders. No hidden meaning. He points out that their are the Phoenix Suns so why not the Moons? I like calling them the Commies or Commandos.

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Thanks...I'll inform my fellow troglidites.

Can they sing...Commadores?

Do they stink...Commodes?

On a streak...Comets?

A different celestrial bod perhaps...Uranus? Pluto's?(not Mickey's friend).

We!l, since I'm on a roll here guess I'll go invent the wheel.

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Plus one for the commandos

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Great discussion! Very interesting stuff.

Seems like Kafka could be the guy.

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Looking back on JS contract/freeagent negotiations, he seems like a very reasonable negotiator. I'm thinking for the coordinators still in the playoffs, he wouldn't want to take any of their focus away from their upcoming games. He probably told them that he's wait till after their Games are over to begin the serious talks. A " no pressure" approach. Hopefully that sets the Seahawks up in a positive light with Johnson and MacDonald

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