Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

Most annalists including Seahawk fans don't expect a winning season from the team this year. BUT the Monday Nite football game tickets $481.17 are the most expensive tickets for the start of the NFL season, Go figure that one !!

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I looked over the schedule and came up with an upside of 7 wins. But then again, that's why they play the game. Willie McGinest commenting on the Denver game and thought Seattle's pass rush could be sneaky good and give Wilson problems causing mistakes on his part. Gregg Rosenthal basically said the same thing and actually picked Seattle over Denver by 1 point. He also speaks to Denver not matching up well against the run game. This being a year of rebuild and getting some experience for a lot of youth at key positions on the roster, I look forward to some good surprises. Two things I would point out for Geno, is that he has seemed to have developed some chemistry with Metcalf and Tyler. He also has some chemistry with both Dallas and Homer in the passing game. Both of those guys had great pre-seasons and camps. With the emergence of Adams on the D Line and the additions of Harris and Jefferson Seattle could have some new defensive weapons. Primarily an inside pass rush. I do think edge will be good for Seattle this year. The O-Line has a real chance to make big strides this year and the run game could well be even better than expected barring devastating injuries. Special teams in coverage is a bit of a concern but maybe that will improve as the season goes on. Will Seattle make the playoffs? Probably not. Will they be a tougher out than people think? I believe they will be and have a tremendous chip on their shoulder as a team perceived as a check the win box write off around the league. When you have the bar set so low people tend to overachieve out of personal pride and yes....."grit". Pete has never fielded a team that didn't compete...even in 2010. A footnote on Dwayne Brown. He is out with a shoulder injury for the Jets and may go on IR.

I look forward to an entertaining and sometimes frustrating year on a learning curve. I think Seattle could be a lot tougher of a an opponent than the prognosticators foresee. Of course if they beat Denver of SF and watch the fair weather flow. Go Hawks

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I agree with your team assessment. I just can’t start the season thinking we’re only going to win 5-6 games.

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Let's see what happens on Monday. If the Seahawks manage to pull out a win, these poll numbers could change dramatically lol.

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Gotta love an overreaction! Win the first 4 and I think a change in sentiment would be warranted. Go Hawks!

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

I watch the latest Sound of the Seahawks and thought that's a lot attention they're giving to Geno and his story. Seems like a waste of time and energy if they're really planning to install Lock as the starter in the near future. Maybe all hope is lost on Lock. Maybe we're stuck with Geno even as he struggles. Maybe it's just a youtube thing that I shouldn't read too much into.

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Come Tuesday morning you'll need to get a bonfire going to throw the Pole results into. Russ won't cook he'll be cooked! Go Hawks!

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May all the Debbie Downers be pleasantly surprised as the season progresses.

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May all the Debbie Downers be pleasantly surprised as the season progresses.

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I don’t consider myself a Debbie downer, I’m hopeful for a winning season and would love to be pleasantly surprised. However, we have a young team with below average quarterback play so like to think my expectations are reasonable. But I’ll still be rooting for my fav team!

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