And then there are the Bills, losing to the Rodgers-less Jets.

On a punt return TD.

In OT.

That's gotta sting!

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“pumpkinizes” is going into my vocabulary

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id rather be the seahawks. even the Bengals, with all their talent have huge questions at OLine. next week, we will find out what kind of heart this Seahawks team has. I expect them to respond positively and to show character.

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It seems to me that another issue was trusting and using new players. They barely targeted him. As parallax said above that the Rams may have found another Cupp, that’s coz they actually targeted Pacau (or however you spell it). Geno hardly threw the ball, refused to pass to (or didn’t see) Bobo or JSN (all game). Also, Charbonnet didn’t get much of a go either. I’m actually not a fan (yet), but you could at least give him more of a chance, if not just to get a better feel for this level of football. Coaching or Geno?

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I have been a fan since the beginning, and I've obviously seen worse games. But I can't remember a game when I expected so much and got so little. Maybe the AFC championship game against the Raiders in I think 1983 season when we beat them twice in regular season and then imploded. So I hope it is another 40 years. Which I won't have to see down here.

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The run D was alright. Not wonderful, but good enough. The pass D was more like ass D. No pressure (though Stafford's expert pocket presence and movement with the pocket ruined at least a few good chances), and weak soft zones underneath. The deep game was weak too: Q Diggs was out of position deep way too often. The end result was a defense that felt familiar in that it couldn't get off the field, but different in that it was the air game they couldn't stop.

The killer though was both tackles going out. No push in the run game and no protection in the pass game led to no offense at all in the second half. Can't win games if you can't score points.

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In the spirit of over reaction, did anyone else see the pic of Chris Jones with a Seahawks hat at the season opener?! Obviously, SJ has already broached this topic, which must be reason that CJ is making overtures!

After watching our D struggle this weekend I can’t help but hope that this could become a reality.

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He's not interested in joining the Hawks after this pathetic display

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Teams have quit playing starters in pre season and contact is greatly diminished in practice by league rules. I think the Rams played more starters in pre season due to their newness together. Maybe they’re on to something as they looked much more ready for action than the Hawks.

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I’m fine with that hypothesis - and you could also factor in the joint practices the Rams held with the Broncos and Raiders ahead of the actual preseason games with them.

But the truth is Stafford didn’t throw a pass all preseason, Atwell didn’t catch a pass, and Nacua caught only three.

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Biggest issues on defense from this game:

1. 3rd down

2. Poor tackling (except Bobby)

3. Loose coverage

4. No interior pass rush

Biggest issues on Offense

1. Blocking up front

2. Coaching from Waldron. Raheem Morris schooled him in the 2nd half

3. Despondent and shocked looks on players faces in the second half. They gave up before the game was over

These things are all fixable except maybe the coaching issues. Frustrating loss as the entire team took the second half off. The offensive play calls in the second half were the same as the first. This is unacceptable from the coaching staff.

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I agree with others here that coaching the #1 reason for this loss. Team wasn't ready, they were out coached from beginning to end, and they didn't adapt or appear to even try. They better improve as a coaching staff now...or the Hawks ain't going anywhere. If that's the case, I won't be sad if a change is made. Never said that before but Pete come on man!

The DK foul was inexcusable. That dude has had attitude problems, drops, and on-off performance since day one. We all have given him lots of grace year after year hoping to see him develop into a top-five receiver. Recently someone commented that DK would be "mad" if JSN got more targets than him...well that's just ridiculous. If the other guy is open more and catching more, it doesn't matter if they are a veteran or a rookie or just off the bus. It is supposed to be about the TEAM and DK pouting if he's not targeted enough tells me all I need to know about DK. I hope Metcalf develops into what he should be given his traits and ability...but if we ship him down the road it won't hurt my feelings. He's been around way too long to act like he did yesterday and his act is wearing thin.

I think all those DB's read too much about how wonderful they all are, and forgot to be hungry and play football. They may be a great group, but they didn't play together as a team and mostly just ran around getting beat. Can that be fixed? Of course. More time together will help, but it better help fast. Getting DOMINATED by lesser talent might also help wake them up.

Hey Seahawks team and coaches: quit reading social media and focus on football. Leave all that hype-buying to us fans.

I do have one POSITIVE to share: my TV is still on the wall and undamaged, as is my remote! Although my dog continues to cower in the corner. I don't think she likes professional football.

I'll right...I'm done with my own DK-ish pout. Let's see if the Hawks can regroup, focus, get fired up, drop the egos, pull together and handle Detroit. No small task...but onward and upward!

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My knock on DK has been the penalties. I thought with time he would learn that taunting other players during plays and running his mouth doesn't work. His behavior continues to hurt the team. He needs to get out of the way for the rest of team. Either control your emotions or they control you. DK is stuck on stupid on this

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DK is so talented, but can’t quite get over the hump to be a really good receiver. His immaturity is one factor. In the playoff loss to the Rams a few years ago he was getting frustrated at lack of catches so the Hawks dialed up a bubble screen for him to boost confidence. Rams instead got a pick 6 and a victory. He needs to come to grips with the fact it’s a team sport. Some games he’ll be the main guy, some games more of a decoy. It’s how the game works, and life too, for that matter.

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Some 500 years from now, Xiang Yu will be alleged to have said (2700 years before) something like "Live with a man 40 years, share his house, his meals, speak on every subject. Then tie him up and hold him over the volcano’s edge. And on that day you will finally meet the man."

I think we had a glimpse of the volcano yesterday. We'll meet Pete Caroll and his 2023 team over the coming weeks.

Except for one WR, who clearly has his own very personal volcano to deal with. I'm pretty sure we've met him. I hope he gets some help with all that before somebody gets hurt.

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The most disappointing thing about this loss, for me, is that it all looked so familiar. We still can't defend the middle of the field, we are still passive on third and long defense, we're still behind our opponents making in-game adjustments, and our veteran players still lack discipline. You can only hear the same group of people tell you that they're gonna fix it so many times before you loose faith. My fingers are crossed that we can make it to week 5 at 2-2 with some positive momentum and clear signs that this team just needed a few weeks to gel.

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Definitely a swift solid kick to the balls sac. The type where you're hunched over for the rest of the day. and into the rest of the week trying to recover. Hey, if this doesn't wake you up what will?! All the super positive vibes throughout training camp and sunny outlook just got a big bucket of ice water thrown on it. You know what. It's okay. It's gonna be fine. I never take anything away from the numero uno game of the season. Numero Uno definition actually means most important. In this case, it only means the number 1, but is actually the least important game of the season. All these reactions from radio hosts on down are what they are. Just reactions to getting our knees capped and balls kicked in. Yeah, it sucks. Now that we took that shit on the stage, let's really start the season. Get this clunker out of the way. Win or lose yesterday, the team will reveal itself over the course of these next couple months regardless. To me, the first game is the least important game of the season. Leading up to the game, I even had some trepidation that if we won big like Dallas did, that we'd be so high as a kite that folks would be talking about booking their flights for the Super Bowl already. But, it's only the first game. No need to pay any attention to the suffering and teeth grinding that will be going on all week any more than the chest puffing of a first game victory. A game like this can be a blessing in disguise more so than eking out a win would or a blow out win. It's a wake up call big time. All the good stuff happening with team chemistry in camp and how desirable playing for coach is can now be put aside and the real mentality begins. Win or lose yesterday, I take that first game with a grain of salt no matter the outcome. If we would have just barely won or barely lost there would be concerned discussion on what to improve upon and get better. A blow out win would set up likely way too unrealistic fantasies moving forward. A kick in the balls. Well, that's just a rude awaking, but an awakening nonetheless for hopefully the greater good. How are we gonna respond to that? Now the season begins. Let's go.

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Nothing can lessen my sense of how disgracefully the Hawks performed in the season opener. But that's tempered by the fact that I don't really care that much. If we have a shitty team, I'll watch them lose. I'll watch with interest as they lose. I'll watch as players develop. I'll watch as others flail and falter and get cut. I'll watch as coaches get fired. I'll watch next year's draft.

My only request is that if we suck, let's suck big and get a high draft pick. Doesn't have to be number one. But I'd rather it be top ten, better still top five, than middle of the round.

I'm not expert enough to diagnose what's wrong with our team. I don't think it's as simple as the coach being too nice. There are many coaches who are good to their players and get tons of effort and focus from them. I also think it's only fair to give credit where credit is due. The Rams came ready to play and their half time adjustments were better than ours.

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We often forget that the other team has professional athletes also. It’s a tough game and some days they’re just better than you. I didn’t expect it and I hope this wasn’t a harbinger of things to come, but I’m not panicking, yet.

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You have a better attitude about this than I, Bryant. I'm not panicking; I'm nonplussed. I have no shits left to give. It's just football. My perspective is that there are more important things in our lives. But, unlike your perspective, it's not exactly laced with cheer. I admire your ability to hold that perspective.

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Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t thrilled with the performance by any means! I just know it’s a long season and anything can happen. I’ve rooted for Seattle based teams for close to 60 years so I’m used to disappointment. I’m still haunted by the Sonics game 7 vs. Denver 30 years ago. Maybe not haunted, but disappointed that the Sonics didn’t win it all that year. I still think they were the most talented team, but it just didn’t work out.

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As I said before, it seems that LA only needed two of your three players to kick our sorry ass.

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I watched the first quarter of the Giants game. They got all the breaks against them. It was really unlucky. Dallas is clearly superior, but the 2 non-offensive touchdowns were just about luck as they were about great play.

That destroys your team morale, and I stopped watching (as I should).

But that didn't tell me much about the Giants. The Cowboys (like the Eagles last year) are the best team in football according to the Football Almanac. The NYG were deeply unlucky to start the game. Nothing of that holds in our case.

We were playing against a depleted Rams playing guys who wouldn't find spots in other teams practice squads. Tutu Atwell was the guy they drafted because we pulled the Dee Eskridge carpet from under their feet. Their offensive line (like you mentioned in the other article) practiced together sometime in the last 7 days. It's inexcusable. They had Stafford and Donald, and I make the concession that Pacua was a 5th round steal. And that's it. It is worse than the Giants defeat.

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