Happy Thanksgiving, All. Stay Healthy 'n Happy.

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No chat feature on Android.

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‘Coming soon’ they say

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Would love a chat feature, though ideally one that could be accessed from my Macbook Pro. I've downloaded substack to my Android phone but it's hard to type messages that way. Much prefer the full keyboard.

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I have an iPhone but being almost as old as the Super Bowl, I'm like those people on the Progressive ads the guy tries to keep from turning into their parents when it comes to tech.

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I'm older than the superbowl. In fact, I vaguely remember Superbowl 3. I was 6 I believe.

About a zillion years ago, I was an IT guy. Back in the days of huge mainframe computers with huge air conditioned computer rooms, operations teams, punch cards, the whole deal. Worked in COBOL and Assembly.

I know virtually nothing about today's IT. I'm sure it's fundamentally the same. Machine logic is machine logic. But everything built on top of that is different. My son's a highly paid software engineer and I don't understand most of what he talks about.

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Nothing happened when I clicked on "download app". After that, I got scared and got out of there.

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